Monday, December 22, 2014

12/22/14 CHRISTMAS!

Dear Family and Friends,

So this past week has been crazy. The Christmas party was amazing!

We are whitewashing Arcata, a small town right above Eureka. So when we got here after a 5 hour drive from Santa Rosa, we were both really nervous. The sisters before us really struggled because they had to stay inside because one of them was sick for 3 or 4 weeks, and then they both went home. They were both really good sisters (I knew both of them personally) but the area when we got here had 0 investigators, and not a whole lot of records of potentials or anything.  I love my new companion, Sister Whimpey. She's awesome. She's came out one transfer before I did, and she is awesome. The elders have been a big help to us here, because we both had no clue where anything was. It was very strange, but we are both committed to building up a good foundation for this area.

Last night we had a miracle. We were going to try a LA and we saw these ladies pull up in a taxi and start unloading groceries. We helped them carry all of their groceries to the 3rd floor of the apartment complex. Come to find out, it was two brothers having a Christmas weekend with their families. We showed them He is the Gift, left a Harvest (House) Blessing, and gave them a Book of Mormon, and talked about the importance of praying to know if it is true. Come to find out, the fathers are both on a search for truth, and they want to know more. One of them has met with missionaries before. The mothers were both very interested as well. When we invited them to be baptized as they come to know that the Book of Mormon is true, They said that they would. We now have a return appointment with them.

So that's the beginning of our story. :) So exciting. It's amazing what a difference a little getting lost will make.

Also, there is a lot of weed, drugs, and homeless people up here, but it is so beautiful. I've already fallen in love with the area. I'm really excited to work hard, and to plant a lot of seeds. Sister Whimpey is awesome too. She is 21 and from AZ. She is so kind, and really a hard worker, and rather patient with me. I'm excited.

Something that I have learned this past week about the Savior:

He had hard times too. It wasn't easy for him to do the things that He did. He has a personality. He had to gain His testimony and weakness the same way we did... line upon line, precept upon precept.

I also had another cool experience. I listened to this ward member in the hospital here share her testimony of the Savior and some sacred and precious experiences that are not mine to share, but as she was speaking with us, she had some immense pain come over her. I've been praying a lot to become more like the Savior. In that moment, when the spirit had been so strong, and then when I saw her struggling so much, I had this intense feeling come over me. I wanted to take away the pain from her, even if I had to bear it, but all I could do was reach out, and hold her hand. Then I realized that that little window of a moment had allowed me to see into the Savior's life.

I know that He lives, and that He loves all of you so much! During this Christmas, I will serve with everything that I have. I would love to be with all of you. If I were there, I would tell you that I love you, but since I can't, I will tell others that I love them. If I were home, I would serve you all, but since I am not, I will serve others here. Since I can't smile for you, I will smile for others. I will love others as much as humanly possible. That is my gift for the Savior this year. I will be His smaller gift to the people here--- a carrier of the message of His Eternal and Infinite Gift: His Atonement.

I love you all. I am doing well. I will write more next week. It's been a whirlwind, but I am doing well. I love being a missionary. No matter what I lose, or what I gain, I would never change this. I am serving not only the people here. I am serving Jesus Christ. I am His servant.

And I know that He loves all of you.

12/15/14 Transfers!

I am being transferred!

To Arcada! Up near Eureka. So sad to be leaving Woodland. I cried and cried. Sister Bear is going to Napa/Vallejo YSA to be with my MTC companion. I am going to be co-STL with a Sister Wimpey and whitewashing (both of us brand new to the area) into our area.

Mixed emotions. That is all that I will say. I have a ton of pictures for next week that I will send with mini stories about all the people.

We did find this sweet family this past week called the Medina family. They came to the ward Christmas party and loved it. They want to be baptized. More on them next week.
Also, Kayla and Joseph texted us last night and asked when we are coming back over. Cool. That was so cool. We were just going to let the elders take over that, because they are closing our area because the mission is losing so many sisters, so the elders in our ward are taking over all our investigators. They'll do great. I'll just miss them.

Also, we've been talking to Lynn after a month of her not answering phone calls or anything. More on her when I know more about her status.

Also, the all mission Christmas Party is Wednesday. I'm super excited yet sad, because that is transfer day too.

This week I learned that the Atonement is for stress too, and I also learned that when all is said and done, the most important thing you will leave with people is your testimony and love. I've been overwhelmed at how many members here cried and cried when they found out Sister Bear and I were leaving. Sometimes as a missionary, you doubt yourself. Those feelings don't come from Heavenly Father.

Sometimes as a child of God, you doubt yourself. You doubt that the Atonement will work for you. You settle for less than was paid for you. The price was very high. Infinite and Eternal was the sacrifice paid for you, and for this gospel. I learned this week to never waste a moment, to never doubt His love for you. To forgive, to forget, to stand up for yourself. To listen, to be brave, to study the scriptures, to let yourself relax and let go, to feel the spirit, to laugh, to watch my facial expressions, to deal with investigators crushing on you and your companioin, to deal with investigators ignoring you, to love a Less-Active who opens up, to learn to love the rain, to learn to not hurt, to learn to share the light and joy of the gospel.

If only I could tell you what I learn everyday. There would not be room enough in a million emails. But one of the most important things I learned this week was to love. This week I learned Charity. This week I learned Charity from the best Example of it ever.

We as a mission have been reading the gospels. More on that later.

If anyone were to ask me if they should serve a mission, I would say yes. I don't care who you are. Go. If you have the desire, you are called. If you are thinking about it, praying about it, GO. Don't look back. Don't let the things of the world hold you back. Just GO.

It's been the hardest thing I've ever had to do. A mission brings out all your weaknesses. Satan would throw it in your face. Heavenly Father would lay all the cards on the table. "The struggle is real." That's a CASRM quote.

Despite all of that,


l don't have to even say it to prove it, but I will say it anyway.
Every night, when I lay down in bed, before I go to sleep, I am happy.

And that's a gift from the Savior.

(watch it on

Love you all!

Love Sister Miller

Sunday, December 14, 2014

12/8/14 Recap of the Past Week and a Half, and Creche Festival.... :)

Dear Family and Friends,

So I'm going to start of by saying that I apologize for not including much in my emails the past couple weeks. I get a little anxiety when I email. It's probably just because I know all of you love me so very much.
Instead of trying to respond to a lot of little emails--which help a lot, believe me, they do-- I am going to spend most of my emailing time writing about my experiences and what I have been thinking about and what I have been learning on this mission. So when I take forever to respond, forgive me and know that every email is received with much appreciation.

So I will start with a couple weeks ago.

Let's just say I've never spent a holiday on a mission before. It was an interesting day. Thanksgiving started off as a really good day. We woke up very early, drove downtown, and volunteered at the Foodbank's annual Turkey Trot (5k race). I stood on the sidelines and screamed funny and encouraging things to runners dressed up as turkeys and as random other things. Pretty fun. Then we stayed and helped clean up.
We had a couple zone activities planned, and all day I just felt useless. We were supposed to have a turkey bowl with the members... a ward activity where we play football. None of the members showed up, so it was basically just the missionaries hanging out. It all went downhill from there. I didn't know what we were supposed to be doing all day, and so Sister Bear and I really struggled. We went home, did studies and organized some things. Lesson learned: Who cares what all the other missionaries are doing? Go to work! I think we would have been a lot happier if we hadn't followed with the attitude that it was a day to just hang out with people. Sister Bear and I have decided that Christmas, if we are together for it next transfer, will be a lot better. We will be with members, but we will also do missionary work as well during the "down time" of the day.
Sometimes you learn lessons the hard way. Once we went to a member's house for dinner, things got turned around. We ate with the Kelley's. It was really low-key. We just chatted and ate yummy food. It was just good to be with them. They are an older couple with a 30 year-old Down-Syndrome daughter named Katie. Then we went and played sports to end the night.

Friday Nov 28th

Not a good day. Let's just say Satan tries to sabotage weekly planning almost every week by throwing anti or life-crises at the people we love.

Saturday Nov 29

In consequence, we had a very long companionship inventory. :) You have to understand, Sister Bear and I get along so well, sometimes so well that we have a hard time helping each other improve. I learned that I need to listen better, that I need to not be so hard on myself.  After that, we had lunch, and then went and taught a super-sweet first lesson in a park to this guy named Jacob, who we had met on the street. I am one of those missionaries that talks to people out the car window. The reason? People like Jacob.  Jacob has met with missionaries before. He is 19, super buff, and super blonde. Seriously. He looks like he jumped out of the 90's. Something I have also noticed about missionaries. We don't look at people the same as the natural man. We think it's totally normal that two girls would tell a young man about Jesus Christ. Sometimes I have to take a step back and remember that to most other people, that is kind of weird. Even though it is weird, it brings miracles. He accepted a baptismal invite. It was a truly perfect first lesson. The spirit was so strong. #companioshipinventoryworks. #bringtheSpiritback
That night we went over to my favorite member's home. So I've been in Woodland so long that I know all the members, how they met, their life stories. I have lots of favorite members, but there is this one family that has me wrapped around their fingers. The Murray's. They are converts to the Church.... they had a friend who introduced them to the church. They are originally from Iowa, but they moved to California for some reason unknown to them. Dustin is their son... in his 20's. When I first got here, Dustin was huge in teaching Eli, who was baptized in July. Dustin went on a mission to Salt Lake City. He is now engaged to a girl of Chinese descent he met over the summer. Her name is Connie, and she had met with missionaries before, but when she started dating Dustin, the missionaries called her out of the blue. Funny enough, Dustin had nothing to do with it. They are going to be married next June.
Sister Murray has cancer, I believe. Brother Murray was just diagnosed.
Sister Murray manages our dinner calendar, and has kind of taken me under her wing. She is the member that drove us to the temple on my birthday. She then took us out to a hamburger joint, and gave us money to give to homeless people, and we made it a game.
So Saturday we went over to their house and shared #HeistheGift with them.

Sunday Nov 30th

Had Josh and Stephanie, investigators that the elders just passed off to us, come to church. Stephanie is very much into philosophy, and Josh loves learning about the gospel, but he will always do whatever Stephanie wants. Originally when we first met Josh, he had told us that elders might be better so that his girlfriend wouldn't get jealous, but then Stephanie met Sister Afoa and myself on the street and then she told the elders that she wanted sister missionaries, and that is how we ended up teaching them. So they come to church, and the topic? Eternal marriage, and also we had someone from the Stake come and talk about having reverence for the Sacrament. They were both great talks, but Josh and Stephanie have very complicated chastity problems, so it was different... Stephanie was respectful, but it's hard to teach her because we don't want to offend her. So yeah.
It was a great Sunday for me though! I learned a lot about the sacrament and about how to receive answers during that time. We pray when we want to communicate with God. That's why the sacrament is done in prayer form. So many more things that blew my mind. It was awesome.

Monday December 1st

We did service for Dale, more about him later.
We taught Josh and Stephanie, and it was basically a question and answer session, but it was good. I think the fact that we were willing to talk about all their concerns really help build up the trust.

Tuesday Dec 2

We picked up this super cool couple name Joseph and Kayla. Really cool. They are both Christian, but Joseph is more solid in his faith. He knows that he believes in Jesus Christ, although he says he doesn't know all the differences between all the different churches. He seems really interested. Kayla was a big more shy, but at the end, after we talked about the Atonement and the Book of Mormon, we invited them to be baptized and she immediately said yes. Joseph was a little bit more hesitant, wanting to know if we read the Bible, but after we explained, he too said yes. We will be meeting with them again tomorrow, I believe.

Wednesday Dec 3

Temple Trip. So fun. I learned that Heavenly Father has got it all figured out and all I have to do is trust him. As I sat, just looking at some flowers inside, I noticed how they were all so beautiful. That's how Heavenly Father feels about us. I looked around at all my friends, and I teared up a little. But my heart was comforted. Those moments will never return. It's hard to know that once you are transferred, you'll never go back. Things never go back to the way they were, but they always get better. There is always a plan, and we always have a choice.
That night, the Erickson's, a big homeschooling family there, had us over for dinner. I tried to keep my birthday quiet, but once they found out, they broke out a package of Oreos, stuck a candle inside and the whole "Von Trapp" family was singing to me. So fun. Love that family too. Sister Erickson is primary president, yet she does so much for us missionaries.
Opening my packages, I was filled with love. This birthday I learned that it's the people- it's always been the people that have around us-- that make it worth it. I love all the things that I received, but as I used them, it's the people behind them and the memories that are my favorite. Thank you all so much.

Thursday Dec 4

Brother Goodwin, a less-active that has come full force back into full activity since July, ran into some anti after watching a church movie on Youtube. Long story short, he felt bad because he felt like he didn't have a testimony, but as we went through the whole Restoration with him, his face lit up. When we got to the first vision part, he recited it to us, brokenly, but the Spirit was so strong, and he started to tear up.
We went to a Relief Society Dinner, and as I looked around, I felt so much better. So many people. So what if "I've only had one baptism" Someone put it perfect today in their email: "I've had zero baptisms." I know that there was a reason for me to be here in Woodland. I thought about all those members I have strengthened and loved. I thought about all the things that I have learned. I thought about all those I have worked for, prayed for, and worried for. I have not been a failure, just because I have been rejected. Christ was rejected, but He never failed.
Anyway, we walked all day long, because our mission was on a car fast. It was a really really good day. I love being out on the streets, in the fresh air, talking to random people about Jesus Christ. Now THAT'S my cup of tea. Scratch that. hot coco. That' my cup of hot coco. (Except it's still to warm here to really have that, even though I try often enough.)

Friday Dec 5

Weekly Planning Sabotage from the Adversary, again. I'd rather not get into it.
But we taught Josh! Stephanie was in Chico, partying. Josh didn't seem to happy about it. But it was a good lesson.

Saturday Dec 6th

Saw Linda and Robert baptized. (elders have been teaching them.) I'm rather close to Linda, though. (elders don't come to RS)


Josh came to church. Law of chastity lesson. That was awkward. It was good though. :) A good awkward. #gospelprinciples #evenwhenIgetoffmymission

Dale and Josh came to a Creche, or Nativity, Festival, put on by a lot of Christian Churches in Woodland. It was held at our Stake Center off Pioneer Ave, though. Pretty cool.

Dale is in a wheelchair, so it took a bit to get him there, but members really stepped up and helped. Thanks to the Jensen Family. So fun. Then we watched the Devotional.

And that brings us to today.

Things I learned this week:

When I give lashes on my own back, I am not repenting.
Repenting is coming unto Jesus Christ and letting Him heal you of your sins and stripes.

I need to be more accepting of myself. When I am (Ether 12:12), then I am better able to help others.


Monday, December 8, 2014

12/3/14 Thanksgiving, Birthdays, and Temple Trips

I am running out of time again, but here's the details :)

Thanks for all the Birthday wishes. I had a very good one, thank you. The temple was awesome.

We've been picking up investigators like crazy! I wish I could insert everything that I have learned in to this, but nope. We didn't get back from the temple until a little bit ago, and so yeah. If you don't get letters this week, I'm sorry. You will soon.

I love all of you. Sorry this is short. We have picked up 12 new investigators since Sister Bear has been here. Josh and Stephanie came to church this past week. we also have dropped a lot of people, because we have so many people to juggle. 

Love you all! Thanksgiving was really good! Weird though....

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

11/24/14 No Time... THANKSGIVING! YAY!

I love you all!
Sorry this is short!

We went to do service for the Dollar Family and they sat us down, fed us, and we just talked about the church. We ended up teaching about the Book of Mormon, inviting them to be baptized, and picking them up as investigators. Miracles.

We also got dropped by some people, but we have seen many many miracles.

Briefly, this week I learned to trust. Easier said than done. Always. Yet, the Savior trusted. This is hard. It was hard for Christ.

Yet, for thanksgiving, I am so grateful. There is no other place that I would rather be than right here. I miss my family and loved ones. Of course. But I feel so many blessings.

Thank you so much for all being there for me. It means the world.

We also picked up two other investigators. Cool stories. Always follow promptings. OYM:
Open Your Mouth.


Love, Sister Miller

P.S.  By the way, I won't be writing until next Wednesday, Dec 2. We are going to the temple that day, and that will also be our P day :) Just a heads up.


Monday, November 24, 2014

11/10/14 Week of Priesthood Blessings

Dear Loved Ones,

This week I have had so many priesthood blessings. It's been one of my hardest weeks in the mission.

Sister Andreasen is going home tomorrow. I will say goodbye to her, and some of my other closest friends during the next few hours. Not fun. I have grown so close to her. She has helped me through the hardest time on my mission. This past transfer has been one of the hardest, but one of the very best. 
Here are some of the things that I have learned:

I am imperfect.
No one is perfect.
The Lord knows we are imperfect. He loves us. I wish I could express how much he loves us.

You have to be open and honest with the Lord in your prayers, but a questions

I also have some news. I am going to be pulling a six-month in Woodland. I will for sure be here until like December 17th.... they will have a five week transfer so that transfers don't end up being on Christmas Eve. Also.... I am going to be training. Sister Andreasen walked out of her interview with President Alba and President walked up to me and asked if Sister Alba had already called with transfer doctrine (transfer info). I said no. "Well, you are training."

Sister Andreasen said I looked like I was ready to cry. Yup. That's about how I felt, but I was also laughing. I've gotten plenty of anxiety and Sister Andreasen has had anxiety about going home and adjusting. It's been pretty funny... almost every other day, one of us broke down into tears for some reason or another. We have grown so close. It is funny because Heavenly Father knew that we needed each other. 

We hit it off right at the beginning, staying up talking the first few nights. We got along really well personality-wise, but disagreed on how to do missionary work. Looking back that has been a blessing for me, because another thing that I have learned this transfer is to appreciate every miracle, and that numbers don't measure our success as missionaries, but they measure the progress of the area and the status of the people we are teaching and their progression. Wow. That's finally clicked. It's taken me 10 months to learn that! How did I not understand that before. Yes, we are trying to teach as much as we can, but when it comes down to it, we should never be disappointed with the amount of lessons we do teach, BECAUSE BEHIND EVERY NUMBER IS A CHILD OF GOD PROGRESSING. Sister Andreasen told of this story of two Spanish Hermanas in a who opened up an area in a small town, and they worked harder than anyone else and only taught one lesson the first week. But they rejoiced in that one lesson, because it was a miracle.

Well, anyways, before I learned that about missionary work, we had this week where we struggled as a companionship. We didn't talk much to each other and Lynn stopped responding to us, and everything just went very downhill. I will never forget that week, because I learned what not to do.

Then we worked it out, and we have been very open with each other and how we feel ever since then, yet it was still hard. We struggled to find new people to teach. No one ever said they would show up to church, despite our invitations, yet we kept inviting.

We learned a lot about supporting eachother because we both also had personal concerns at home that were tugging at our hearts constantly. I have no doubt that we were meant to be companions. The elders serving around us were a constant support. We literally got blessings almost every week, if not multiple times a week.

Well, I wish I could go on and on, but I have learned this transfer that I can do hard things, that I am trying to be like Jesus, that I am a successful missionary, and that Heavenly Father needs us to learn, but He will help us learn.

I learned a lot about being who you were born to be.

A lot about letting it into God's hands. 

A lot about prayer.

A lot about love, and about serving others.

A lot about my weaknesses. (insert all my weaknesses here.)
A lot about my strengths (being willing to compromise, humility, determination, faith)


We gave talks yesterday in Church. I shared my "conversion" story, and also about how we can recieve answers from Heavenly Father to any of our questions, and I based my talk off of President Uchtdorf's talk in general conference "Receiving a Testimony of Light and Truth" and Sister Andreasen talked about "Lord, Is It Me" and talked about using the Atonement to overcome our weaknesses.

The elders had 5+ investigators show up.

We had Eugene, the man in the white, our investigator who is 86, who I never thought would come. I teared up when he came into the chapel, and sat down by one of the elder's investigators, Linda.

And Dale also came. He is the man in the hat. We have done service for him, helping him clean his house because he is in a wheelchair and lives alone. He has become our friend. He is not an investigator, but he is opening up to the gospel. Moral of the story... Just Serve.
Just like Jesus Christ would.

The other picture was taken yesterday in front of a members home. The members take good care of us here, and I am happy that I am staying, although I will miss a many missionaries that I have grown so close to.

I know that Heavenly Father has a plan.

I was brave enough to ask for His help. He gives it in the way that He knows will bless us the most. A lot of times, my heart aches, but I would never change my experience this past transfer for anything. Was I perfect? No. But have I done my best? Have I tried everyday? Yes. 

Looking back there are so many miracles. I am so happy. I have so many people that love me, and I have the true fulness of the gospel in my life everyday, and Heavenly Father is constantly teaching me and loving me and letting me be an instrument in His hand. 

He is shaping me. 
Sometimes it hurts, and other times He thinks He is funny, but I trust Him.

I love all of you. Thank you for playing a part in my life. Each of you.

Oh. I almost forgot. Lynn showed up to church yesterday. I'll keep you all posted. :) 



Sister Darby Eleyce Miller

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

11/17/14 Sister Bear Arrives!

Dear Family and Friends!

Thank you for all your lovely emails! I appreciate them very much! In answer to your questions... If you would like to send me things for Christmas, please coordinate with my mother at PLEASE NO CANDY! :) Thanks. I appreciate it. I get fed too well anyway.

Santa Rosa for a couple days for training and transfers. I said goodbye to some very close friends. That was rough. I felt like I was going to die, and then I got Sister Bear. So cool.

So Tuesday after transfers we meet the new missionaries, and then we all go into training, not knowing which companions go with which. Then we trainers (Sister Decker and I) went and taught a lesson to a family connection of her in the AP's area... we taught with the AP's. Super cool... I was able to see how the ipad should work in a lesson. We took it from casual conversation to looking at the new interactive pamphlet, which is really cool, then to showing a clip from the Restoration, and the to testifying of Joseph Smith as a prophet of God. The family there though... I could just feel the spirit so strong as I watched the family react to it. It really strengthened my testimony of families and individuals being prepared for me to teach.

Wednesday I was assigned to Sister Bear. So fun! She is so cute, and kind, and we hit it off. We've been going like crazy, talking to so many people. We have so many lessons set up for this coming week, and I talked to Lynn on the phone. She apologized for being upset with Sister Carter leaving, she didn't understand and she had been a little upset with Sister Andreasen, but we are going to meet with her hopefullly at the end of this week because she is out of town currently.

Also, we were done with a lesson in the park and we were hurrying off to do service, and out of the corner of my eye, there was a young man on a swing, smoking and looking at his feet. We go up to him and talk to him, and come to find out he almost had a loved one pass away from overdosing. We shared the Book of Mormon with him, taught him about the Atonement and invited him to be baptized. He also said his family would be interested. Eric (that's his name) then came to a baptism, and he felt so good. You could see him glowing. We are going to meet with him this coming week, because he has another family issue come up Sunday morning and he wasn't able to make it to church.

Heavenly Father always knows exactly what we need. I'm starting to realize WHY He had me go through a lot of hard things last transfer.

This transfer has been really really good. Sister Bear and I get along really really well. I don't even feel like she needs to be trained. She gets the hang of things really easily.

This week I learned hope. I learned trust, as once again I let all the people that have been in my life walk away again. (ugh. transfers.) I learned that change is a part of Heavenly Father's plan. I again learned to look for the tender mercies. My heart still hurts a little over some decisions, but lemme tell you, I received a letter from my mom this week that really helped. In it she talked about her testimony. That letter made me realize the same thing, and how much I have learned this past year. It made me realize that I really do trust my Heavenly Father and that I really am willing to follow Him. I now believe in myself, and I am able to face my future for after the mission with courage and hope because I know that Heavenly Father isn't just going to drop me after I leave the California Santa Rosa Mission. He is going to help me until I am back in His arms again.

So do I need to know all that is going to have to happen? No. Just like Sister Bear is trusting me, I need to trust that I will be taught everything I need to know to live a good life after this... the life that He has planned for me.


Ether 12
Moroni 10

I love all of you!

Sister Miller

Sunday, November 9, 2014

11/03/14 OUT OF TIME!

Sorry I'm out of time! I love all of you and hope that your week goes well!

We had lots of cool miracles. Helped some Less Actives make costumes for Trunk-or-Treat. I learned a lot this week about my strengths and weaknesses. The real question is not whether or not the gospel is true, but rather if we are true to the gospel.

Transfers happen  this week. Pray for me that I will have the strength to do whatever is asked of me.

I went to MLC with other sisters. It was a lot of fun. We speak in church next week.

Also, I made cookies and they were the best ever!


Sister Miller


10/27/14 Miguel and the Hospital Walk, and Sister Miller Learning to Rely on the Savior and on Others.....

Dear Everyone,

This week was rough, but much much better than last week. I've learned that it is much better to be open with people (aka, your companion) about the struggles you are going through. Sister Andreasen and I talk a lot. She is so patient. I'm not happy that she is going home so soon. Happy for her, though. 

This week week taught Sister Vasquez almost everyday. I'm learning to listen. Again. I feel like I say that a lot. Miracles always come when I listen.

All those serving around me had a huge impact on that, especially Sister Andreasen. She has been a blessing to me. I feel like I have been taught humility and also charity and compassion this past week. And also patience with myself. 
I received a few priesthood blessings that I know made all the difference. It's amazing what happened.

We had a cool experience this past week. We pulled up, parked, prayed, and the first person to walk by is an older man. "How are you doing today, sir?" Sister Andreasen asks. "Not okay." he responds quietly, and keeps walking. That took her aback and she asked why. Miguel, for that was his name, told us that he was walking to the hospital to see his mother there. We said a prayer with him, and before he turned to go, Sister Andreasen offered for us to walk with him to the hospital. On the way there we talk to him about his life, trying to uplift and encourage him. We could we can tell that something is definitely weighing on his mind.  He told us that he used to have faith, but that he had been struggling with it for a while. 

In the parking lot of the hospital there was an elderly woman standing there, not moving. Sister Andreasen notices her, goes over to her and we come to find out that she is having trouble standing and walking, and she is trying to get to see a doctor. We retrieve a wheelchair for her, wheel her in to the front desk, all the while Miguel waits for us. So we escort him up to his mother's room. 
Magdalena is this little old lady in her 80's who only speaks Spanish, so I briefly bear my testimony in broken Spanish, we sing "I am a Child of God" in Spanish, and then Miguel tells us where he lives, and we ask if we can stop by. He said anytime. Then we had to leave to another appointment.

The next day we stopped by his house, set up another appointment for later in the day. We brought the Bishop, taught the Atonement, and he accepted a soft baptismal invite. The spirit was so strong, and I knew that he knew that Jesus Christ really is the Savior and Redeemer in that moment. You see, when we had first talked to Miguel we had asked him if he believed in Heavenly Father and in Jesus Christ. He told us that he used to have faith, but that he had been struggling with it for a while. 

It's amazing to me how much Heavenly Father loves us. I got to bear my testimony yesterday to someone who was struggling with losing loved ones. I can see how Heavenly Father has used these past two weeks to prepare me so that I could understand and have compassion for Miguel and also for Sister Vasquez, who we have also been teaching. This experience has helped me open up, humble myself, and rely upon the Savior and also to trust those around me. It has taught me that Jesus Christ really is there for me too, even when I think I'm strong enough and can "do it on my own." The Savior cares about every aspect of my life.

Sister Afoa and Sister Belnap are awesome. I went on exchanges with Sister Belnap last week, and she is doing really well, and has a strong desire to serve with all her heart, might, mind, and strength. She is very bold in bearing her testimony. She is working hard. Sister Andreasen is such a help to me. I know that I needed her as a companion. She has taught me a lot about who I am to Heavenly Father and to the Savior. 

I've thought a lot this past week. I've changed a lot the past couple weeks. I see myself different, the world different, and also missionary work different. 

We ate dinner with the Bishop last night, and I shared a message about the Savior in 3 Nephi 11:11-14. I cried a little bit, but it's amazing. The moment I started sharing my testimony of the Savior, I felt peace and strength come in and I stopped crying, and only leaked a little bit. Then the Bishop came with us to Miguel's lesson.

I know that the Savior has the power to heal. We don't fully understand, but we don't have to. He understands us and loves us and wants to help us. That is all that matters.

I love you all. I know the Church is true. I know that the Savior loves all of you. He cares about us so very much. He loves us. 

I know it.

Keep praying, keep listening, keep going.
It's all in the enduring to the end.

Sister Darby Eleyce Miller

P.S. Love you family. Thanks for all the support. It means so much.

10/20/14 Faith and Hope

Dear Family and Friends,

So this past week has probably been the hardest week of my whole mission. I won't go into details, but I have learned a lot, A lot.

I went on exchanges with Sister Afoa this week. She is amazing. That day was the best day out of the whole week! She has been struggling with a brother at home being critically sick, but she is still really positive and loving towards the work. She is a great example to me, and I learned a lot from her during the exchange about faith, especially when plans fall through. She is so wonderful.We told everyone we saw that God loved them. It was so fun.

I think it has been hard for me the past little while. Last Monday our investigator Lynn, a friend of our recent convert, Eli, texted us out of the blue and said that she didn't want to feel pressured into doing something that wasn't right. The last time we had seen her, we had set a baptismal date with her, and it was an amazing lesson. We have been teaching her since July, and she has prayed and asked if Joseph Smith is a prophet, and she said she knows he is a prophet of God. She has loved going to church, and she had talked about being baptized many many times. We have tried to stop by, call, and text her all week long. No response. It's breaking my heart. I think something is up between her and Eli, because he avoids our calls also. He just moved to Fairfield this past week, and so we are trying to get in touch with him as well so that we can transfer his records and make sure everything is taken care with him, but nothing seems to work. He always answers our phone calls with texts saying that he will call us later, but nothing ever comes of it.

I'm worried, and that, on top of all my family things, have made me really down, and I think that that has been affecting Sister Andreasen. I really do love her, but it's been a little hard this past week.

But I have learned a lot.

I have read and reread Ether 12 almost every day this week, and I'm learning about faith. It's still hard to have faith when things are going good as a missionary, but the true test of faith is when things are not going good. This week I have found that I have come to better understand verse 27

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."

Moroni trusts the Lord and is comforted by these words. This is then his response to the Lord in verses 31-34:
"For after they had faith... thous didst show thyself unto them in great power... thou hast prepared a house for man... in which man might have a more excellent hope; wherefore man must hope, or he cannot receive an inheritance in the place which thou hast prepared... And again, I remember that thou hast said that thou hast loved the world, even unto the laying down of thy life for the world, that thou mightest take it again to prepare a place for the children of men...And now I know that this love which thou hast had for the children of men in charity.."

From those verses we learn about the Savior, and how we must be like Him. We have to have faith in Him, do things in His name, and we must also hope, and then we have to lay down our lives-- or whatever the Lord asks us to lay down-- and have charity. We must receive grace (enabling power of the Atonement) so that we can have this charity.

I love what the Lord then says to Moroni after that: "And because thou hast seen they weakness thou shalt be made strong."

It takes a lot to recognize when you are doing something wrong, or when you could be doing something in a better way, but when we are open and honest with those things, that is when we can really change. Then the Lord will make us stronger, despite our weaknesses.

I have learned a lot about faith and hope this week. So I will keep hoping. Because even though a lot of hard things happened this week, I had a wonderful week, and I would still rather be here on His mission than anywhere else. I love Woodland, and I want to see it grow. We have worked a lot with Less-Actives lately, especially ones that are converts. Sister Andreasen is here for a reason, no doubt. Doors of these Less-Actives are being opened to us, and one of them even attended church yesterday. Yay!

This morning a Less-Active called us and we spent all morning talking to her. Miracles.

It all comes down to faith. Do we have faith, and are we willing to show God the evidence of our faith?
I know that this gospel is true. I know this Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. I know that Jesus Christ lives and leads it. He loves and His Atonement covers everything.
Sister Darby Eleyce Miller

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

10/13/2014 The Shoes Given Away

Sister Andreasen has been teaching me so much about the why of missionary work. I truly love her and she has found a special spot in my heart. I'm excited for this next week. This past week was a little rough in our area, but I feel like we are starting to get into the groove of this transfer though. I've learned a lot about compromise, and sincere and loving compromise at that. I think that she is doing rather well, although she was feeling a little under the weather for a few days.
I want to share an experience I had this past week. I'm one of those missionaries that doesn't mind talking with people, even if it is outside the car window. I've had a lot of companions who weren't big fans of this, and I don't blame them. Well, Sister Andreasen this past week had talked to me, and we had come to an understanding about this. It was interesting, because we were getting back into the car to head to a different part of our area and out of the blue Sister Andreasen tells me to "LOOK!"

There was this woman, walking on the other side of the street, coming down the sidewalk. She looked very very sad.

"Yell out the window at her, will you?"

I was more than delighted to. I unrolled my window, leaned my face on my arm and said hello. She looked up a little startled, and crossed the street to come and talk to me. As she came closer I identified us as servants of Jesus Christ and asked her if there was anything that we could do for her. She began to cry, and through the muffled words I heard that she had just been beaten by her boyfriend and dropped off at a nearby park with not even a pair of shoes. We both got out of the car. I will never forget what happened next.
Sister Andreasen looked down at her new shoes that she had asked her mom to send her from home. She had worn out her other shoes so that they had holes in the bottom almost, but rather than buying a new pair the last transfer of her mission, she had just asked her mom to send her her nice new ones from home that she was saving for after her mission.Without a moment's hesitation,  she took these beautiful black flats off and placed them before this lady's bare and worn feet. The lady refused, obviously touched and startled. "I can't take your shoes."
"Yes you can." Sister Andreasen said kindly, yet boldly. I could feel her holding her breath, brave and determined. The lady slipped the shoes on, crying into her hands. We gave her a Book of Mormon, said a prayer for her, and set up a return appointment.
The lady never showed back up for her return appointment, but I've not heard one complaint from Sister Andreasen about wearing her old, falling apart shoes. Thank you for sending me this companion. She is an angel, and a disciple of Christ. And you can tell her that I said that, too.
Well, other than that, we have had a hard time setting up appointments, but we were able to teach a couple really really good Less-Active and Recent-Convert lessons.
I'm doing well. I love being a missionary, and I love being here in Woodland. I've learned a lot about faith this week, and about sowing seeds.
I love this His mission, and "I'm trying to be like Jesus."

This past week I learned this:

1) You can never guess what a companion is going to be like until you actually get them as a companion. Sister Andreasen is awesome. It's completely amazing. I'm so excited to work with her. I'm ready for those miracles!
2) You can't punish yourself for your sins and expect that to be repentance. You have to turn to the Lord, repent His way, and then forgive yourself because He forgives you. You can't continue to punish yourself either, because then you are not actually recognizing His power and authority and love and mercy and justice. If you hang on to the guilt from past sins that you have truly repented for, then you are denying the power of His Atonement. You are saying that it is limited.
3) The Atonement is not limited. I had a letter sent to me last week by an old seminary teacher of a talk by Elder Bednar. Funny enough, I had saved the same talk from highschool seminary and it was already hanging on my wall above my desk, but it was interesting how as I read through it again, I realized that I need to take better advantage of the Atonement. It was an infinite sacrifice, so it covers everything. There is literally nothing that God will leave us alone on. We must accept His Atonement by acting on it, but as long as we are acting on it continually, it will continually have an influence in our lives.

4) Heavenly Father gives us weaknesses to humble us. He also gives them to us as an opportunity for us to grow in our faith.

5) He never leaves us. We leave Him.

So if you are struggling, here is my suggestion:

Apply the Atonement of Jesus Christ by living the gospel of Jesus Christ:
Baptism by priesthood authority of God and renewing that covenant by worthily partaking of the sacrament
Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost... this is of utmost importance because we CANNOT make it without the Holy Ghost. If we are not living to qualify for the companionship of the Spirit, then we need to go through the above steps and fix it.
Endure to the End (refer back to President Alba's definition... I like that definition.)

"Fear not though the enemy deride. We must COURAGE for the Lord is on our side. We will heed not what the wicked may say for the LORD alone WE WILL OBEY."

With utmost love and prayers,
Sister Darby Eleyce Miller


So we had transfers. That was crazy fun. I slept at the mission home.... that was weird... but really cool. Then we had MLC..... I learned that I do make a difference, either for good or for bad. 

Also, Lynn set a baptismal date. 

The reason I didn't email yesterday is because we had Zone Conference. We watched the new movie "Meet the Mormons" because Elder Holland instructed to have us do so and President Alba wanted to get through all the Zone Conferences asap. I want to be like that. Respond immediately when an apostle of the Lord commands. 

I wish I could write everything out, but my mind is running a million miles a minute, and the minutes are running a million miles away really really fast.......

And that's how I feel about my mission. I'm trying to do everything I can, but I constantly slip up. We have to find the balance in everything. Being perfectly obedient and being perfectly loving can only happen when we do both exactly and willingly. They aren't on opposite ends of the spectrum. They are on the same side of the spectrum.... the Christlike Attributes side of the spectrum. I have found that I can't love fully when I am not being fully obedient. I have small weaknesses that I'm going to attack this week.

It has been interesting to me. I love to repent. I love it. I've done more repenting on my mission than I ever have before. Repentance isn't a one-time deal.

This week feels like it has been forever! But it's been great! I love being a missionary. I'm excited for this coming transfer and for the opportunities and invitations that have already been extended to me. I received a lot of comfort and help during conference, and I am determined to make this the best transfer ever! 

The more that I am on my mission, the more weaknesses of mine come to light. The more I learn about the gospel, the more I see that I need Jesus Christ. We cannot do this on our own, because it is impossible to us alone. The only way that any miracle is possible is through Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, not us. 

As Sister Carter left, I realized that I have changed a lot because of her. She has helped me change my desires to be not only more obedient, but exactly obedient. Are we perfect? No. But we are perfect in one thing. We are perfect in trying. 

I had a thought this morning during personal study. An investigator last night had asked a question about the tree of life and if is was the same one that God commanded Adam and Eve not to partake of. We read 1 Nephi 11 with her, and talked about it. Then this morning it came to my mind again. The tree has always seemed like a symbol of Eternal Life in my mind as well... I learned this morning that we aren't changed after we struggle to reach the tree. It is in the struggle to reach the fruit, clinging to the Iron Rod, that we are changed. It is by "sticking to it" that we know the value and desire more than anything else to partake of the fruit of the tree of life.

I'm having a hard time explaining this, but it is the act of enduring to the end that prepares us and conditions our souls so that we are prepared for eternal progression. Those that are stuck in the Terrestrial and Telestial Kingdoms are stuck there not to be held back from progression, but rather, they are there because their nature is not to progress. Because they didn't make the effort to use the Atonement, they can't change from the state that they are in. The Atonement is the only way that true godly change happens. 

The Savior would save every single person He could. He loves everyone, but it is up to us to let Him. We have to accept it into our lives, and then act upon it. It is just like food. If we don't eat the fruit of the tree of life, if we don't seek out and allow ourselves to feel the love of God (because surely it is there for anyone that will approach and partake of it) then we can't receive the nourishment from it.

I'm beginning to understand that it is the little things that hold me back in life, not the big ones. And on the other hand, it is the small tender mercies and changes for good that continually support and propel us forward.

Lynn committed solidly to being baptized on November 8th. It was really awesome to see her take a step forward in faith, despite her fears. I'm so excited to find a family this week! I'm ready for it and pumped!

I love Sister Andreason. I've already learned a lot from her, and from myself the past few days. This is going to be a good transfer. So excited!

I love being a missionary. I love having all the counsel that we have been given from general conference and from MLC and from Zone Conference. I'm excited! 

Heavenly Father is building my faith. I can feel it!

So one cool thing that stood out to me at MLC was this: 

They showed a video clip about how wolves can change rivers. They briefly went over what happened to the Yellowstone National Park when wolves were reintroduced..... it blossomed because of so many different reasons.

It was definitely not something that you would expect to happen.... introducing something scary like missionaries or repentance into your life, but the effect is the same.

So I'm introducing some wolves into my life. I'm ready to attack those weaknesses... (all the while remembering that the best wolf I can let into my life is Jesus Christ.... He isn't a wolf! He is Aslan! You are welcome, Mom and siblings!.. :)

Sorry my letter is super jumpy and scattered.... I have to get off now, but this week has been crazy! I wish I could write everything that I have learned. Maybe next week I will! :)

Love you all!

The gospel is so true!

Love, Sister Darby Elecye Miller.

P.S. One of the wolves I'm bringing in is having the Savior in my own countenance. That's something I am going to really work on. I love you all! 

Also.... something from Meet the Mormons.... "I'm not perfect. But I am perfect in one thing.... I am perfect in trying!"
That's so true!

Also... we are all glorious. We all have a part to play! They will tell us what and how is we ask Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, and we will know by the power of the Holy Ghost that it is the true way. 

Do we recognize the Holy Ghost is our everyday life? If not, why? What can we do to better have it in our lives?

The thing you just thought about... that is your wolf.  :) 1 Nephi 3:7

Friday, October 31, 2014


Again, I am swept away by all the support and love that I receive. I am so blessed. Our mission has this thing we do.... absolutely every spoken companion prayer and also every personal prayer, we pray for every single person we are teaching. All the investigators, all the Less-Active, and of course, all the Recent-Converts. It helps us remember them, and always remain focused on them. For months and months of my mission, I obeyed, but was annoyed with "having" to pray for something. I didn't like that it was "required." Sister Carter has helped me with this one without even realizing it. While I was her companion, something switched in my mind.

I don't have to do any of this.
I pray for them because I love them.
I no longer do it just to "be obedient."

This didn't happen over-night. I only noticed it this week, that I really do love to pray for them. I realize that I pray in faith for them. The pride has slipped away, and I am humbled because I can't believe I was so selfish to pray for them only to be obedient.

That isn't what obedience is about. Obedience is about faith. Faith is more than words, more than lip-service, more than just Sunday.

Faith is obeying because you want to; you want to because you love Heavenly Father, and you love praying for them.

The reason that I mention this is because I know that you are all praying for me. I can feel it. I need those prayers. I'm doing great, but don't stop praying for me, and all the missionaries that you know.

I am swept away because I love all these people. They are the friends that I had never met yet, but looking back, I see the extraordinary group of support that I have even now. I love you all and I know that you love me and every single week...

I am swept away because I realize that even though this mission isn't about me, I am the one ministering to others and it is about them, even with knowing that, I realize that there are so many of you that ministered to me, and continue to minister to me.

And I want to apologize because at that time it was all about me. And I don't want it to be anymore. It's not about me. It's not about you loving me.

It's about me loving you.

So if I don't respond right away, please don't think it's all about me still. In reality, it is about you. I have this fear of responding wrong, because you all deserve so much more than that, but I am physically not able to respond to everyone the way my heart wants me to.

But that being said, I just wanted to let you all know that I am swept away by your love. I am full of gratitude. I don't ever want to be off my mission, but when I do, I don't want it to be about me. Remember that. I want it to be about my family and friends. I just want to love and serve you all the way I never did. I know how to now. So when I get home, please ask for my help. Please call me, I will always get back to you. Please tell me what you are going through. I want to be there. Please ask me to do things for you that you cannot do for yourself.
Grandparents and parents especially.... You have done so much for me. I could list names, but I could go on forever. My friends and family,

Every time I talk to someone, you are there because you made it possible, and you continue to do so, sending light and life into my life. I love you all.

So this week. We did a lot of service, talked to lots of people, taught a few less actives that we haven't been able to get in touch with all 3 months I have been here. We also had a lot of lessons fall through, and we also talked to a lot of people. We found out Friday night that Sister Carter is going to leave, and go be companions with my baby (Sister Murphy, who I trained in Santa Rosa.)
Coming in to be with me is Sister Andreason, and she served in Rio Vista a few months before me. So cool

I also am proud to announce that Hermana Bryant, who I love dearly, is training in Petaluma, and then after this transfer she is "dying" or going home. She did so much for me. Loved me so much, taught me so much, helped me see the good in myself. She wrote me last week, and it brought me to tears.

You never know how much of an impact compliments, honest compliments about character, not just style, make.

Also I have been made an STL. I will still be in Elder Gadd's district. That means I have served around him for my whole mission, except for 6 weeks. Sister Afoa from New Zealand will still be here, and so will Elder Britt. Elder Hurd is still Zone Leader, and the other new Zone Leader served in my same zone when I was in Rio Vista, so this is going to be lots of fun.

But I am STL. And scared out of my mind. I know the Lord has a sense of humor. I was just getting accustomed to the idea of leading out the area again. I had worked up my courage to that. Oh well. I am determined to do my best though.

This coming week is going to be crazy. We leave for Santa Rosa tomorrow, and with transfers, and then MLC we won't be back to work until Thursday.

Also, Lynn is still coming to church and doing well. She is having health problems, so it is harder to meet with her, but she is still doing good. We're hoping to set a baptismal date with her this week. Pray for Eli too... he quit his new job, but possibly will be moving back to Woodland for another one he was offered today. Pray also for us to be able to find the Elect, or for them to find us. Either way works for me. :)

Also, my favorite talk was defintiely Elder Uchtdorf's. My mind was so blown the whole time I didn't get a chance to take any notes. Wow. I felt like my mind was opened, and I just felt light. Wow. Go listen to it if you haven't already.

What else?

oh. yeah.

I KNOW the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. I know that Jesus Christ loves us, and that we can become like Him, and I know that Heavenly Father loves us. We are his children. I love feeling like a little child. I love that feeling of knowing that that is how He feels towards me.

Every night I look up at the stars as we walk up the stairs to the apartment. They are so beautiful. Heavenly Father does so many things for us. Sometime we need to just look up. Every night, my breath is taken away. So beautiful. And if you don't know what the Spirit feels like, just find a little quiet place and pause and look up at the stars.

I love you all!

Love, Sister Darby Miller

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Dear Family and Friends,

This week was awesome, and hard, and everything in between.We taught most of our investigators and there were so many miracles. I can't even begin to write them all. You'll just have to wait until I get back :)

This week we worked really hard. We taught a lot, and we learned a lot. We had interviews this past week, and I learned a lot. I'm always really nervous for interviews because you hear those stories about missionaries getting rebuked and I'm always scared I'll be next :) But with interviews I always walk out better than I went in. I always learn so much. Sister Alba also taught our whole zone about how to work with the Ward Council. I also learned a lot. It's all in the attitude. I'm going to help them realize that I am here to help rescue their little lambies, and in return, they've got to help make my little lambies a priority. Did you know that the missionaries are supposed to be the first ones to speak in ward council? Neither did I. And now it's our turn to go and to be the "I want to help and serve" attitude in the ward. They love us missionaries. We love them. But what we really want our ward to do is love our investigators and recent converts. Our ward is great. The best I have been in yet... but there is always room for growth... in the church, in the ward, and in the missionary.

We also had a wonderful stake conference this weekend. We heard from the recent converts of the stake. I'm learning that all it does is one little invite, and then someone has the opportunity. They aren't going to invite themselves.
One of the sisters that joined is younger... teens or early twenties. She talked about a friend of hers she had online. One day she asked her.... "Why are you always so happy. Like ALWAYS happy. I don't get it."
Her friend answered with one question. "Do you believe in God?"
And that was that.
So if someone in Kansas can invite someone in California to learn from the missionaries, anyone can.
Also, there was a story of an 8 year old who was able to find names for his family to take to the temple. Anyone can do family history. :)

So the challenge that was extended to our stake I extend to you:
I invite you to find one name and if you are 12 years or older, be worthy of and receive a temple recommend, and take that name to the temple. Our ancestors were people too. Do not deny them of the blessing that we so often take for granted. They need us to do that. If we procrastinate, God will hold us accountable, but also our ancestors will let us know that we made them wait. They so desperately want to have those blessings, to make covenants through the priesthood, and to share it with others there on that side. They warned us against the evil of sacrificing the essential for the non-essentials. It's also a type of idol-worship, when we sacrifice the things that God has commanded us to do for those things that the world demands we do. Do not idol worship. Everyone can find one name between now and Christmas.
:) The blessings are spiritual protection and added strength. That's from Elder Bednar, and apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I will never forget the example that my mom was to me. The morning I went to the MTC, she sacrificed so that I could go and do the endowment for a name of an ancestor that I had found.

If my mom has time, everyone has time.

The other invitation was that we invite someone to attend sacrament meeting with us. They don't have to say yes. That is their choice. Still love them. But invite them. EVERYONE IS INVITED. well. invite them :)

I will ask before Christmas if you have done this :) I promise that if you do, you will have the blessings.

Also, Sister Alba said something yesterday to us sisters after taking a picture with all of us. "Someone asked me today what they could do for me." Sister Alba announced. "And do you know what I told them?"
We all paused... holding our breath.
"Find a family." She said with emphasis. "That's what you can do for me. Today, find a family!"

And what a day yesterday was. There were a lot of rejections, but Sister Carter and I fought the doubt, holding on to our faith. We battled the temptation to despair and lose hope. Finally, at the end of the night, we went to the house of a Catholic contact we had had a few weeks ago. To make a very long story short, the son opened the door and introduced himself as Kevin, and went to go see if his elderly father would like us to come in. His father, Bill, returned to the door. He remembered us, and immediately let us in. Then we spent about 10 minutes listened to the whole family (Kevin, and both his parents) talk about Mormons that they have known and how much they like them. We had another appointment that we had to get to, but we taught them very simply about the Book of Mormon and they said that they would read it. Kevin immediately accepted a soft baptismal invite, saying that he was definitely open, and Bill, even though he seemed a little more hesitant, was very positive and said that although he probably wouldn't change, he was willing to learn and to see if the things that we teach are true. They set up an appointment for next Sunday evening.

Leaving that lesson, I realized that it was all Heavenly Father. All I had to do was go out, work, be happy, have hope and faith, and the Lord would lead us to where we need to be.

I've also learned this week to invite, invite, invite. I'm learning that rejection really isn't that bad, although it is sad. But one thing is for sure: It is much better to walk away having been rejected than to walk away not having tried your best.

Rejection is always better than disappointment in yourself.

This week I have another goal: to invite more boldly. Not just to tell people how much God loves them, but to invite them to show God how much they love Him!

This past week was good. I learned a lot from interviews. I love being here, and I'm excited for the future. I think these past few transfers I have really learned a lot about the Spirit, about how to be bold, about loving people no matter what, about obedience, and about my weaknesses and strengths.

I'm looking forward to the future. I'm hoping to build my faith.

I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. I know that The Book of Mormon is  the word of God, and I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. I know it.
I know because of the Spirit, and also through experience.

I love all of you and hope you have a wonderful week! I know that Heavenly Father loves you all so much!


Sister Miller

Moroni 7:13
Moroni 7:33

9/15/14 Short and Sweet

Sorry this is so short and sweet, but I got busy reading and writing the family. I love all ya'll though, and I know that the church is true.

I love the work though. This week was a total turn-around from last week. :) I call it  SPIRIT WEEK!!!!!!!!

This week I learned to listen. I guess I've been quite impatient lately with everyone, including myself, and I think one thing that I have heard constantly this week from the mouths of investigators, contacts, less actives, and members is this: "it's in the Lord's timing." It all started with exchanges this last week with Sister Afoa. We had miracle after miracle and we even had a few contacts say that because we were willing to listen to them and their stories, they knew that we had a life for them. So I guess the answer to being impatient is to listen. It's not about what I have to say. It's about what the child of God and the Spirit have to say.
Lynn is doing great. She has had a really hard past two weeks, and the other day she called us to not come over because she wasn't in a good mood and she didn't want us to see her like that. We listened a while on the phone, and finally we were able to find the void. Listening to her, and responding as the Spirit directed resulted in something I will never forget. She was struggling because after 18 years of being Sober, she had bought alcohol a couple weeks ago and she doesn't know why she did that. It scared her a little bit, but she hasn't touched any of it, but she said that it was really really tempting. After we listened to her, we expressed our desire for her to get rid of it, because you can't take money with you, and there's nothing wasteful about growing away temptation. After a few moments of noise in hue background she came back to the phone. "There. It's all gone." She sighed with relief. "I poured out those bottles down the sink. All the bottles."

We also contacted a referral named Priscilla. She excitedly told us to come back the next day. We went back the next day, and the mother was outside, she told us to knock louder. We went in, had a lesson on The Book of Mormon and it was awesome. We listened to Priscilla and her boyfriend, Elias. It was a really cool lesson because I tried to really listen to what they were saying, and even more than that I tried to understand. I'm excited to teach them.

I just love being a missionary. I love being on a mission. I love learning more about how Heavenly Father works, and how much He loves His children, and how much He loves me.

So much has happened this week, but I will leave it at that. Woodland is a great place to be!

Sister Darby Eleyce Miller

9/8/14 The Faith to be Limitless

Dear Family and Friends,

Wow. What a week.
The past few weeks have been really good and really tough. I'm really mixed on emotions about it all. A few weeks ago Woodland was on fire! Well, we went through a massive dropping spell the week before last, and finished it up this past week. We had some of our most solid people tell us that they didn't think this was the best decision for them (Aaron and his not wanting to live the law of chastity...) and some others. We also had investigators who had family crises and living condition crises and moved away without telling us where they moved to. We also had investigators avoid us, and so we finally dropped them. We also had some that we haven't dropped yet, but they keep cancelling appointments week after week. And then Eli... his new job has been taking him all over, and he hasn't come to church the past two weeks, and we don't know if he is going to permanently stay in Sacramento, or move back to Woodland, or Davis. We are afraid to transfer his records because we don't want him to get lost... this is a precious time for him and he cannot afford to be moved into a ward where they don't keep up on teaching him the new member lessons. Also, Lynn has been having some health problems and it's been rough, but we did meet with her... once.

This week was a very rough week. We taught a total of 9 lessons. That's not good. It's been very stressful.

Also, this mission is big on obedience, which I totally agree with. Well, we have lots of new rules coming up for us. The only one that will affect me getting letters from all ya'll is just that we can't check our emails throughout the week anymore... only on Mondays. So yup. Just so you all know. :)
Also, we aren't doing Facebook as a mission anymore... for now. This mission was the first to have Facebook, but that was because they had worked really hard on obedience for many many years.

Okay... Now for miracles and all the good stuff. :)

We taught Lynn this past week and we had a wonderful lesson. She loves the church and got approval from her mom, who is in a rest home. We actually know her mom, funny enough, and taught her a lot of basic things about the plan of salvation etc, and her mom was really happy that we were teaching her daughter. Lynn later told us that her mom used to not like Mormons, so that's good that things have changed. She didn't come to church, so we'll work on that.

We also taught this family named the Kaur family. They are from India, and were originally Sikh. They came to America and became Christians, and we have been trying to meet with them for the past month and a half, to no success. We had the weirdest lesson I have ever been in. The father was completely drunk, but that was why they wanted us to come and teach them. They need help. There was just so much chaos in that house... so much noise and commotion. They were trying to listen and learn, but so much was going on... the phone ringing, the television upstairs and the noises from outside, and the drunk father who was trying to express things to us, but he kept talking to us in Punjabi.... it was crazy. Satan was working so hard, but so was Heavenly Father. The mother accepted a baptismal invite... the father wasn't quite coherent, and the daughter remained silent, but intently listening... Well. We are going back this week. The father is going to go to the 12-step program to get some help, because he really wants to change, and kept asking us for help the whole time we were there.... it was just a strange lesson. I don't even know what to really say about it all except that I love them and I'm looking forward to teaching them because they want to learn and grow. You can see that in them.

We also went to the temple in Sacramento. I did not want to leave. It was so beautiful, the feeling there. I did not want to leave. It no doubt gave me the strength I would need for the rest of the week.

I learned this week in that I cannot do this alone. Sometimes, when we think we are doing it all on our own, Heavenly Father steps back and lets us struggle a little bit so that we realize that we cannot do it alone. He let us be humble, so that we learn to rely on Him. If we are prideful, we are caught up on what we are doing, not what God is doing, but the downfall of that is that we limit ourselves. When we rely only upon our own strength, we lose hope because we have weaknesses. We are limited.  But when we humble ourselves, and we acknowledge the Savior and our Loving Heavenly Father who created us and gave us His own Son, and we rely upon God's strength, then we are no longer limited. When we are humble, and rely upon the mercy and merits of the Savior, we are no longer held back by our own struggles and weaknesses. When our strength is the power of God, we are no longer limited. We are limitless.

I also have a testimony of how we need to build our relationship with Heavenly Father every day. We need His help, and we need it every day. All of us. Everyday. We cannot go a day without feeding our spirit and not starve ourselves spiritually.

I love the Book of Mormon. I have been reading in 3 Nephi and I love it. I love the Savior. I know that He is really the Son of God, that He really did do all that the Father asked, and that He really does have the power to help us. Life is meant to be wonderful, and I testify in the name of Jesus Christ that even when times are hard and when the path of life is steep and treacherous, and we feel that all is at stake, I know that the Savior is right there with us and that if we hold on and don't let go of Him, He will help us and give us directions to make it through even better than we were when we started. He will help us build the strength, and He will be our strength.

I'm always amazed that even when I have a hard week, I look back and there are a million beautiful moments that Heavenly Father sends me to let me know that He is right there, right there with me the whole way.

Sometimes, I even feel the Savior's hand on my shoulder. Those thoughts come out of nowhere.... in the middle of my hardest times and my best times. I can't explain it, but I know that it can't come from me. It comes from Him.

It's the beautiful things like....
And it's all those millions of little moments that make my life a joy. Every moment can be a joy if we look for His Hand in our life. I testify in His Sacred name that it is there.

His hand is there.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sister Darby E. Miller


This week we get to go to the temple! Yay! Wednesday morning, early early. Yay! Today is a half-pday, so sorry for not a lot of responses. I will send more letters soon but just so ya'll know that I got them and I LOVE ALL THE LETTERS AND MESSAGES. Thank you. I am overwhelmed by all the charity being poured out upon me by my family and friends. You all are an inspiration to me, and in the hard times, those things help me and boost me. Thank you. :)

So wanna hear what I learned this week?
I learned that I need to be more humble, more patient, and more hopeful.
It was a rough week, and a good one too. Sister Carter and I are getting along just as well as I have gotten along with other companions. It took us a little longer, but now we have it all smooth sailing.

It was a hard week with people. Pray that we can find those elect that are searching for the truth.

Well, here's the rundown of this week.

Monday: Pday.
We taught a less active, and I sliced my finger open on a chair during dinner with a homeschooling family that I really connect with in the ward. That was fun. Funny for everyone else. :) I've had a gimpy finger all week, but now it is good. #SisterMillerMoment

Tuesday: District meeting. So awesome. Our district is named "Watermelonisha" because the District Leader is obsessed with watermelon. We eat a lot of watermelon. Anyway, we learned about inviting people to sacrament meeting.

I went on exchanges with Sister Majors and that was fun. we had all of our lessons (almost all) cancel and so in the middle of the day we walked around. We talked to 53 people on the street. That is a lot of people, Just so you know. And we invited everyone to come to sacrament meeting. I fell asleep doing teaching records that night. It was a crazy fun day though.

We did weekly planning and taught some Less Actives. I also went to a Relief Society Dinner that was pretty fun.... my companion and I fit right in... the elders on the other hand. Well, that was funny. Anyway, we had a couple of members bring their friends. Pretty cool. Hopefully that goes somewhere.

Sister Carter went to MLC in Santa Rosa and I went with Hermana Sommerfeld to a little town near Vacaville named Winters. Cool little town. I go to listen to some lessons in Spanish. We picked up two new Spanish investigators and also got dropped hard by some investigators. Needless to say it was a roller coaster of a day. It was good though, because it taught me a lot about patience and why it was important and how I could start working on it, and it also threw me into a deep thinking process over the weekend.

We taught Lynn again. She is so awesome. She totally want to get baptized still. Yay! We went over the Book of Mormon and started her reading it. It hit me and my companion a few days ago that we are doing everything we should with Lynn... we are teaching her simply, bringing members, bearing our testimonies, and most importantly, we truly do love her. I really want this to work out for her.... Please pray for her to make friends in the ward that will really love her.

No one showed up to church. Not even Lynn. Not even Eli, because he found a new job and had to work. I cried during the third hour, when we were all combined. We weren't even learning anything that deep... just about the proper use of technology at church.... and it's not like I haven't had other Sundays where I was disappointed. I don't know. I guess I just was so frustrated with myself for being impatient. It is hard sometimes as a missionary. You learn so quickly your weaknesses. They are ever present because it's no longer about you. If you mess up, it doesn't effect you as much as it affects others. And also, even the best missionaries can't escape the effects of sorrow that other people's agency cause. This has been so weird for me as a missionary to wrap my head around because people are constantly not progressing and when it ends, like it so often does, you are left wondering if there was something more that you could have done...

So I guess all Sunday I had these thoughts running through my head. We've also been having some frustrationg with someone who is supposed to be our advocate who asked us to disobey some simple to do mission rules. My companion and I are struggling. Good thing we have elders in the ward to smooth things over, because she and I were just going to let the awkward sit. We've since repented, but yeah. Sunday really helped.
 The first talk in Sacrament meeting was about Gratitude and I was rebuked lovingly for not writing  in my journal every night like I used to. I also need to express more gratitude and not take the knowledge of the gospel for granted.
The second talk was on patience. No words needed.
Through all of this I just felt so overwhelmed with love from Heavenly Father. When I say rebuked, I really mean course corrected, like a gust of wind helping wind-surfer not fall into the water. The Lord corrects those that He loves, and He always lets you feel His love afterwards.
This morning I was reading about the Nephites right before the Savior comes. Wow. They had problems. Literally every five years they struggled with their weaknesses, repeating the same mistakes over and over. But the Lord still sent prophets and missionaries to them. He was patient. They were patient, even unto death.

So I've been lovingly rebuked.

And my heart is full of gratitude. I looked up at the stars last night before coming in to go to bed after a hard, but very very good day. I just looked up at those sparkles in the sky, and I just had this feeling, deep and quiet inside, that Heavenly Father was speaking to me.

I love you all! Even though no investigators showed up, I learned the importance of church attendance. We go to church because we are imperfect. When we go with a heart of repentance, we are cleansed, and we receive instruction to help us be more like the Savior. then we renew our covenant as we take His name upon us again.

I know that He lives, and that His grace is a real power.

Love you all!
Sister Darby Eleyce Miller

I learned a lot this week. :)