Thursday, July 16, 2015

Note from the Editor

Hey guys, it's Alyssa, the person who puts Darby's letters on the blog. :)

So, she's coming home this Tuesday, on the 21st. Her homecoming is the following Sunday on the 26th at 9am.

Thanks for sticking through with us this past year and a half. :) There won't be any more letters, sorry. It's been a fantastic adventure.


Until the end of days, I will love this. :)

I don't have anymore time, but I would like to share some thoughts I have had from this past week.

The Lord knows the desires and intents of our hearts.

All is not lost when investigators or loved ones "drop" you. It just means that that part of their process that you helped with is finished, and you helped prepare them for a better thing in the future.

Be thou an example of the believers. Doubt never built anyone else up, or yourself up for that matter. "I don't believe in that" isn't a declaration of what you believe.

"You know, I truly believe that when I joined this church, I joined the true church."
-Sister Boettner

There's an amazing lesson about how faith is not a perfect knowledge from Alma 32. I invite you all to read it.

When you do good, you feel good. You can't do wrong, and feel right, it's impossible.

Alma was a YOUNG MAN... youth has nothing to do with your ability or inability to understand the words of a prophet and act on them. Mosiah 16:4


I mean, to your Heavenly Home?
That's the thought that keeps running through my head.
Here, at the end, i'm going to run faster than I ever have before, and I'm going to give everything I have. This will be my last offering of gratitude to my Heavenly Father on my mission, and I'm going to love every moment of it. I know He loves me and listens to me, and HE NEVER MISSES A GAME... He is always watching us, even when we don't know it, and He is cheering for us, even though we cannot always hear it over the noise of the game-players and the crowd.
I will never forget these things.

Love you all!

Sister Miller

7/6/15: Awesome Week!

This week was great! I'm out of time! I can't wait to express to you all how many miracles I have had the priveledge of seeing this past week.

So monday night all of our lessons fell through. We haven't been able to get in contact with a lot of people we were teaching, or they kept canceling, and so when Sister Robinson came in, we decided a fresh start for the teaching pool would be good. 

So yeah.Gas station. 8:30 at night. She talks to the man at the next pump over named Morteza. We've taught him for hours at the park since then. He has so many questions, but is so prepared. So cool. More on Him next week,

The new mission president is awesome! It's been so cool to see that. I love both of my mission presidents. They are so different, but I already have a relationship of trust with President Wright. That man is inspired. so cool.

Well, basically I have two more times to write an email, but I wanted to bear my testimony of enduring to the end. I know that when we cling to the gospel, and continue on with it even when we are tired, even when we are hungry, even when we don't feel like it, we receive blessings. Keeping the commandments and repenting is better than not doing that. But it will never change us until we let it sink down into our hearts. 

Serve others. Don't think about yourself. In the end, it really wasn't ever about you anyway.
Don't bury your talents. Your Heavenly Father gave you those because He knew that you needed them, but that other need them even more. So share that with others. The best talent to have is a testimony, because that is how you can light other's testimonies.
I have gained a testimony of Clean Slates on my mission... every day. Even a clean slate three weeks before you go home from you mission. The Lord needed me to hear that this week. Now I live it and believe it. Every day we can start off with a clean slate as we endure to the end, partake of the sacrament, and rely on the Savior and Redeemer of our souls who loves us and knows us personally.
CHARITY CHARITY CHARITY! That's what I am learning this last stretch of my mission. Charity is deep, unconditional. Heavenly Father has it for us, the Savior has it for us. I have it for others, as I endure to the end I become more like the Savior, and my ability to have charity for others increases. It doesn't matter what they do, I still love them. And that is such a blessing to me. Without charity, nothing else matters. 

Well. I know that this gospel is true. I bore my departing testimony this last week. President Wright asked me to sum up what I learned from my mission. As others who were going home gave their answers, I tried to come up with something grand to match, but I felt so insignificant. Then I listened to the Spirit comforting me, and knew what I needed to say, even though it wasn't grand, it was what I needed to hear myself.

"From my mission, the most important thing I have learned is that Jesus Christ is real, that He loves me, and that it's all true. All of it. This is the truth, and that to me is the most precious thing I have learned."

President Wright cried. I cried. He told me that if that is the only thing that happened, it would still all be worth it, that others would give up all they possessed to have what I have gained. I could feel the Spirit penetrate the deepest part of my heart. I am so full of gratitude for that experience.
Heavenly Father loves me. That's what I have been learning. 

He answered my prayer. The night before I had asked the Lord if my offering was acceptable. So many times this week has He answered YES.

I love my family, and I want you to know that that is my most precious desire. To be with them in the Celestial Kingdom. We will go home! There is nothing that isn't worth giving up for that!

It's so worth it. 

Love you all!

Sister Darby Miller


It has been a crazy week.

So a lot has happened, and I won't write about all of it here, but President Alba went home, my companion got emergency transferred and I now have Sister Robinson, who has been out for two months and is so awesome. I am sad to see Sister Eyden go, but I know that Heavenly Father answers prayers. He always loves us and even when we feel like He can't hear us, He does. It is sometimes painful, the answers He sends, but I truly have a testimony that everything that He does is because He loves us.

I learned a lot this week. I learned about obedience and how it brings blessings. I learned from President and Sister Alba how to finish strong. I learned that we all have gifts to bring to the table, and the only one stopping us from growing is ourselves. If we aren't good enough, it is only because we believe that about ourselves. Heavenly Father is there. He is not only there to help us, but to believe in us. He wouldn't have sent His Son if He didn't believe in us.

well. We found a new investigator named Jordan. More next week. She is awesome.
We also taught Melody about how she is a daughter of God and the Spirit was so strong. Still some roadblocks, but things are moving along.

I will send a bunch of pictures of past companions and some fun.

I love you all! I know that Heavenly Father loves you all! I wish I had more time, but time here is short, and I must go! :)

We all have a calling in God's grand design. May we all ask ourselves part we are destined to play, and then RISE UP and RELY ON HIM for that help.

Sister Miller

A Former Companion

President and Sister Alba with Darby :)