Monday, May 26, 2014

Farewell Santa Rosa! Hello Rio Vista!

President Alba

Mission Letter – May 26, 2014

What we learn from the Book of Mormon – He that is righteous is favored of God.

First of all, I love the Book of Mormon! It contains the fullness of the gospel but most importantly, it contains the account of a family in turmoil, how they deal with their challenges and how the Lord in the end will protect and favor those who are valiant and are desirous to obey His commandments and to follow Him. I testify to all that it is true and that it contains the word of God.

Can you imagine being in the ship that the Lord commanded Nephi to build? They had cast out into the unknown except for a promise that was given to a prophet that it would be a land of promise – now this is pretty amazing to me that Lehi and some of his family believed and banked everything to this promise because they knew that the Lord would not lie to them. All that was required was to have faith in Him and to obey His commandments. Yet there were others who did not believe in the promise God had made but murmured for the rest of their lives.

“The sea roared with new fury as the fourth day of the storm broke over the ship carrying the family of Lehi. Driven by the gale, wave after wave crashed against the vessel with deadly force. All aboard greatly feared. How much longer could the craft keep from breaking up under the severe pressure of the storm at sea.” (Book of Mormon Religion Manual, p 41)

There was a greater storm that had greater significance that was brewing in the ship. A greater storm that had greater consequences to all those involved. This was the storm of rebellion against God. Laman and Lemuel and those who followed them were being tossed to and from by Satan, the master manipulator whose only desire is to thwart the plan of God. He had planted in the hearts of Lehi’s rebellious sons something greater – to disobey God and not follow those who had been chosen to lead them into the promised land.

How often do we think and say, “Why was he/she called to that position? There are certainly others more qualified or capable.” When we refuse to follow those whom God has called, we are in open rebellion against God. Because God is in charge of everything that happens, He will not allow anything to interfere with His purposes. We may think we can change the course of the eternities but we err in this this.

Nephi boldly declares to Laman and Lemuel their designs and warns them that unless they repent, they will be under the power and influence of Satan. Nephi tells his rebellious brothers the type of people they have become:

“Wherefore, the Lord commanded my father that he should depart into the wilderness; and the Jews also sought to take away his life; yean, and ye also have sought to take away his life; wherefore, ye are murderers in your hearts and ye are like unto them.

“Ye are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your God. Ye have seen an angel, and he spake unto you; yea, ye have heard his voice from time to time; and he hath spoken unto you in a still small voice, but ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words; wherefore, he has spoken unto you like unto the voice of thunder, which did cause the earth to shake as if it were to divide asunder.” (1 Nephi 17:44-45)

Nephi outlines in these verses a brief character sketch of Laman and Lemuel:

1. They were murderers in their hearts.
2. They were swift to do iniquity.
3. They were slow to remember God.
4. They ignored direct evidence of God’s power, including the visitation of angels.
5. They were past feeling, their hearts were hard, and they rejected the Spirit of God.
6. They had knowledge of God’s power, but still refused to believe.

“Behold, the Lord esteemeth all flesh in one; he that is righteous is favored of God.” (1 Nephi 17:35).

I pray that we may always be like the righteous Nephi. He was blessed because he murmured not, he was obedient, he had great faith and hope and he wanted to believe all things his father had seen. He was faithful and the Lord in His mercy blessed Him in his afflictions and thus he was able preserve his faith and love for the Savior.

I invite all of us to be righteous that we too may be favored of God.


President Alba

Dear President Alba,

This week has been a wonderful week. I've found myself reflecting on my work here in Santa Rosa. I've learned a lot. I'm glad to say that I am not who I once was, yet I still see that I am not yet who I want to be. Being a trainer has helped me understand my weaknesses and things that I need to push hard against, yet it has also help me overcome some of the things that I was struggling with before Sister Murphy came. She has helped me grow closer to my mission goals of being exactly obedient, loving others with the pure love of Christ, and following the Spirit. Thank you so much for that wonderful opportunity. It was completely priceless. I've found that those really are the things that I want. I can see the night and day difference that small decisions make.
One of the most important things that I think I have learned while I've been here Sister Murphy is that I can make the decision to try. I may not be able to do everything perfectly quite yet as a missionary, but that doesn't excuse me from trying my very best to do so. God always expects us to try. If we give up on something, saying that there's no point because we don't feel like we can achieve it, then we have failed automatically. But if we pour all our effort into something, even if we don't feel like it is possible, at least we will grow. We may not always reach our goals, but we will be that much closer to it. It's a continual process.

One amazing thing that has happened this week though, is that every time I'm about to give up, lose hope, or slow down, I'm reminded of who I want to be. I've prayed throughout the week at specific moments for Heavenly Father to help. It's amazing what it has done. Every time I turn it all over to Him, not knowing how it will turn out, and then try my very best, He works a miracle and things turn out. It just starts with trying my very best, not once, but every time I feel that hope is lost. Hope is never lost. And that's how I feel about all the people I've learned to love here in Santa Rosa. I feel like I made a difference. No one was baptized that I taught, but look at how many people I've reached out to. Look at how many people I've tried to help. It's not over yet. And I know that this hope that I feel isn't in vain. God must have hope for each of us, His children. He knows that at any point in time, they can turn around. They can come to Him. Everyone is capable of that.

We fasted for Elliott this past week. That night, we had a very short lesson because he said he was busy. But he told us that he was open to not drinking coffee. I can tell when he has read his scriptures or not. Even though we follow up every time, I can tell. He is so much more open and happy and excited about the gospel when he reads the Book of Mormon. His heart wants those things to be true. Jessica told me as I was leaving that we would truly be friends for life, and I know that it's true. I can feel it. I know that they are one of the reasons that I was here in Santa Rosa. I can't imagine that I didn't know about Jessica and Elliott before! They are my friends! I'm so excited for them to get married, Elliott to get baptized, and the blessings to start pouring down on them! I'm so blessed to have been a part of that! It's truly amazing!

I love missionary work. I love Santa Rosa. I could see myself moving back here after the mission. I absolutely love everything about it. I love the members, the feel, and I even now love the people. I feel like this is home. It's hard to leave, but I'm excited to go to Rio Vista. Sister Henry said it was her favorite place to serve. Right when I heard it, I knew that it was a new adventure, with new opportunities. But the truth is, I feel like a piece of me will always be here in Santa Rosa. It's the place where it all started for me.

I am not who I once used to be.
I am not yet who I will one day be.

And I am so very excited!

"I'll go where you want me to go, Dear Lord!"
Sister Darby Eleyce Miller

P.S. You and Sister Alba are in my prayers. We truly love you both. We hope you know that. Thank you for all that you do, and thanks for always putting up with my long letters. :)

Dear Family and Friends,

There we go. Now that the bold is off....

I'm leaving Santa Rosa. I definitely have mixed feelings on that. Oh well. It's the way that it goes. I'm done here though, and I can feel it. Even if I were to stay, things would never be the same. Change happens so fast, and I've never liked change, but I will say that I am glad for the adventure ahead. Sister Murphy and I set up everything by having other missionaries help "blitz" our area (our whole zone works in our area for 2 hrs) and so hopefully that will create a boom for the Redwoods YSA South area. I'm trying to leave it better than I found it, but idk. Only time will tell. Sister Clawson is going to be an STL in Vacaville (any referrals? ;) and Sister Heinrichson is going to Middletown, which is where Sister Zenger and Sister Henry were companions together their second time. To put it lightly, the gang is finally being split apart. We are so sad, but it's time. We've been together in the same house for 3 transfers, which is a long time for a sister missionary.  

I'm off to Rio Vista... which is a tiny windy little town from what I hear. Have I mentioned I need short sleeve shirts? If not, I probably will again, because they say it is super hot there, especially in the summer. Bring it on! If the sweating helps me keep the weight off, then bring it on! :) 

I truly am excited. In Rio Vista, I'm going to be in another trio, which will probably be a good thing because it will only be our one companionship in our apartment. Rumor is that we will have to drive 30 mins to get to district meeting. Sweet Mormon Tabernacle Choir all the way! :) Can I just say that Sister Murphy will be happy to never have to hear me sing Deep River ever again :) For me, it never gets old. 

Also, I'm going to be in a "zebra" companionship. This means that Sister Bryant (who I knew in Santa Rosa my first 2 transfers) will be my new companion. Except, her name isn't really Sister Bryant. It's Hermana Bryant. So hopefully I'll learn to teach in Espanol as well. :) So excited. We also will have another sister with us. I can't remember her name. I've never met her before, though.

Well. Packing today was nuts. I've still got to go home and finish. Then we have dinner at the Peirce's with the Brushcreek Sisters, the other Redwoods Sisters, and the AP's. It'll be pretty fun. Then, we have FHE, and hopefully we are having Arthur Chaney come. He's a former that I helped find. Now that school is out, hopefully things will get rolling along. :) So excited for the Redwoods area... and then I remember that I'm not going to be here. Oh well. :) It still excites me.

Well, I love  you all. I don't know what else to say. I am a little scared to move. I'm afraid that I've become accustomed to the city, and to being able to walk up to people. We've never really done knocking doors too much, but in Rio Vista, I'm pretty sure that will happen a lot. Bring on the challenge though. I'm ready for it. 

I'm a little sad to leave Sister Murphy, but I still miss Sister Zenger and Sister Henry, funny enough. I still feel like they left just yesterday. It'll be good to have a change of scenery, I tell myself. :)  It really is bittersweet.

I'm definitely coming back here to visit :) Mom, you would love it out here. 

Oh, and happy Memorial Day. I've actually been thinking of my Grandpas a lot lately. I don't know why, but many times I will have thoughts of the people I love that are far away or gone just pop into my head. It's a comfort thing, not a missing thing. A tender mercy from the Lord when it comes. 

I know that the church is true. I know it. I know that the gospel brings such peace and happiness. My heart is just swollen with joy for the opportunities that I have had everyday to share that happiness with people. Just last night, we walked up to this couple in a park that were having a quiet argument. The lady had dry eyes, but it looked like she had been crying. I looked into her eyes and told her that the Savior loves her, and that when no one else understands, He does. I told her that relationships and family are so important to God, more important than what you have, what you do for fun, where you work, etc. If you don't have that, none of that other stuff matters. When we walked away, they were no longer fighting, and the feeling we left was completely different than what we had walked into. I was so grateful to the Savior for letting me feel that. Usually we don't notice.

I miss all you, my family and friends, but I know that I am supported. I went through a rough patch there with missing all of you so much, but Heavenly Father is holding my heart, and I have found renewed strength.

He is there. I know He is. Even when I feel so alone, He is there. I know He is. I know that when I leave these my newfound Sisters here in Santa Rosa, I will be walking into the unknown again, but I KNOW with ALL MY HEART that I will NEVER REALLY BE ALONE. I know that He will be there with me.

I love you all. I want you to know that I know that Jesus Christ is real. We are real. We are not just ideas floating around in God's head. We are His literal children. As for the human condition, yes we are sinful creatures. But only if we choose to be. We were first children of God, and no matter what else happens to us, we will always be children of God. He is our Loving Heavenly Father. He sent His Son to die for us for one reason only: to bring us back to live with Him again. Why? Because He loves us and misses us. Does He need us? No. Does He want us to live with Him again? A most resounding YES!!! 

Is it possible for you as an individual to be the person He created you to be? Y


But you have to choose it.

I love you all. 
Jesus Christ is real, and He lives and He loves you.

Sister Darby Eleyce Miller

P.S. please send all mail to the 5301 Badger Road Santa Rosa, CA 95409.  :) I love you all.

Miracles and RAT MAN RETURNS! (May 19th)

President Alba


As I had the opportunity to spend time with you over the last few weeks in zone conferences I saw an amazing thing happening. Your light is shining brighter than I have ever seen it before. I saw real kindness and love extended to one another. I saw a mission of one heart and with one focus. I saw companions taking care of each other.... lifting one another...helping one another. I saw District Leaders, STL's and Zone Leaders reaching out to ‘lift up the hands which hang down.’

D&C 81:5-6

5 Wherefore, be faithful; stand in the office which I have appointed unto you; succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees.
6 And if thou art faithful unto the end thou shalt have a crown of immortality, and eternal life in the mansions which I have prepared in the house of my Father.

It was a little bit of heaven right here on earth. It felt good. It felt divine.

We are closer to God than we have ever been before. Can you feel it? If not, I tell you it is here for you if you just reach out to grab it and become a part of it. Be ‘ALL IN’. Don’t miss it. It is up to you.

So now our mission has been told to Increase our High Expectations…. By an apostle of God, Elder Cook. The Hastening is ‘Hastening’ right before our eyes, again and again. How exciting is that? And it will not stop.

D&C 82:14

For Zion must increase in beauty, and in holiness; her borders must be enlarged; her stakes must be strengthened; yea, verily I say unto you, Zion must arise and put on her beautiful garments.
So once again we are among the first in the world to hear the call from the Lord our God. But we are ready. We can do this. We are already doing so much of it so well. We are shining! We are his earthly angels. We are HIS.

It all comes down to love; Extraordinary love of the Savior. We gain more love for Him as we come to know and understand Him better. This next 2 transfers we are immersing ourselves in the Book Of Mormon together as a mission. Together we will rise up in righteousness, holiness and strength. We will increase our beauty and our borders will be enlarged. We will arise and put on the beautiful garments of Zion. We will become a Celestial mission

D&C 88:20-26

20 That bodies who are of the celestial kingdom may possess it forever and ever; for, for this intent was it made and created, and for this intent are they sanctified.

21 And they who are not sanctified through the law which I have given unto you, even the law of Christ, must inherit another kingdom, even that of a terrestrial kingdom, or that of a telestial kingdom.

22 For he who is not able to abide the law of a celestial kingdom cannot abide a celestial glory.

23 And he who cannot abide the law of a terrestrial kingdom cannot abide a terrestrial glory.

24 And he who cannot abide the law of a telestial kingdom cannot abide a telestial glory; therefore he is not meet for a kingdom of glory. Therefore he must abide a kingdom which is not a kingdom of glory.

25 And again, verily I say unto you, the earth abideth the law of a celestial kingdom, for it filleth the measure of its creation, and transgresseth not the law—

26 Wherefore, it shall be sanctified; yea, notwithstanding it shall die, it shall be quickened again, and shall abide the power by which it is quickened, and the righteous shall inherit it.

Living the Celestial Law is not easy,… the trigger is having extraordinary Love of Jesus Christ….which brings extraordinary obedience….which brings extraordinary faith…which brings extraordinary results. We can do it.

This is not only possible in our mission. It is happening. It is there for the taking. We have been given the pathway. The Lord has chosen us to lead the world. Let us all reach out for the torch that God is handing us, take it in faith and courage and fulfill the measure of our creation.

Love, Sister Alba 

Dearest President Alba,

We have seen many miracles this week. We've reached out to some formers, set up a few appointments with them, and I am so excited to meet with them. This past transfer has literally flown by, even more so than ones that preceded it. I want to share some miracles with you:

We had an extraordinary FHE in the singles ward. We missionaries had asked to be allowed to teach it. We showed the Restoration video, bore our testimonies, and then did some skits to show how to share the gospel using random household objects. It was really silly, but fun, and it was quite a success, I think. We even had an investigator named Sean there, and he told me that he related to Joseph Smith because he felt like that was him three weeks ago, not knowing which doctrine was right. He told me that he had prayed to know, asking God to guide him to the church that was true. A few days later, he bumped into.... tadadaDUH!!!!!! MISSIONARIES! Sean expressed that he believed that the church was true. I asked him if he had prayed to know if Joseph Smith's First Vision really happened, and he said he didn't need to pray. I bore my testimony of my experience, and how I KNOW that Joseph Smith really did see God our Loving Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ. I invited him afterwards to go home and pray about it, so that he could KNOW it was true. He looked me in the eye, and I could tell that he was going to do it. I knew that he wanted to know.

I went on exchanges with the Rincon Valley Sisters. I have to admit, I have been a little overwhelmed and stressed a bit, feeling a little inadequate, but they reminded me through example that MISSIONARY WORK IS FUN! :) It really is. I was able to work hard, to feel like I was contributing to the Rincon Valley, and we even saved an injured bird from some hungry cats (I couldn't bear to see them kill it!), and we were able to interact with the non-member neighbors who were drinking. We asked them for a shovel, and they helped us get a box for the bird. Then we shared a message about God. Somehow in the process I lost my name-tag. It was approaching curfew and I started to panic. In the dark, we couldn't find it. We had to leave.
That night I prayed and prayed. And then next morning on our run, we couldn't find it.... because it had been in Sister Barker's purse.

We taught at a 7th Day Adventist high school World Religions class for an hour about the Restoration. Wow. One of my coolest experiences. So cool. They had so many questions, yet they were respectfully curious. You could see it especially in one girl's eyes. Wow. The other sisters noticed it as well. We gave each student a Book of Mormon and a Restoration pamphlet and contact information for the missionaries. After class let out, a group of about four students (including the girl) came up to us, and we taught them about the Plan of Salvation. You could see things click with them as them asked questions and we answered. The spirit was present, and it was amazing. As the one girl walked away, I heard her say to her friend "I'm definitely reading this book!" So cool. One of my favorite moments as a missionary.
Later that night we taught a few people in our neighborhood some first lessons. Miracles.

The Oakland Temple was amazing. We rode with the Bangeters, and heard their mission stories and the story of their lives, etc. The temple really does revive me. I now understand why people say that every time they go, they learn something new.
We had some special miracles that night. Daniel, our investigator has a family, and we've been trying to teach them together for months. Somehow, it all just happened. We taught his 11yr old Sister Angelee out on a park bench across the street from her house. Daniel walked up, sat down. Then his mom (who we think is a long-lost member) came and sat with us. Later, I lost one of our keys, and she helped us find it. She expressed her faith about answers to prayers and following the Spirit. Miracle.
That night at sport's night, we had a former, Arthur Chaney, come. He's going to be meeting with us tonight, at FHE. So excited. That just goes to show how important the ward members are.
Also at Sport's night, Sean told me that he prayed, and that he knows without a doubt that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.
It's moments like those that blow you away as a missionary.

We did service for Rene, a recent convert. People passing by stopped to talk to her, and she always pointed us out, and we offered service. It felt so good to serve. I love it.

We had a hard lesson with Elliott. His biggest concern is with coffee. In the end, it will be his choice. Obey God, and learn that it is true by praying and by experiencing a life living the word of wisdom, or choose to have your cup of coffee everyday and not be baptized. It's hard because he was so close to giving it up. Satan uses those small wedges. They are so small, yet in the end it is always the one degree that makes the difference between hot water and boiling water. It left me feeling down that night, because I have come to truly love Jessica and Elliott, and I want them to be blessed. It also made me realize that I'm living beneath my potential, and that I need to step it up. I'm frustrated with Elliott for not giving up something as small as coffee, but I found that I had my own little wedges that I'm going to be attacking here in the next little while. I know that Elliott will find the answer. He's just got to keep trying. He's got to be willing to do whatever the Lord asks.

The Lord will never give us an answer that He knows we won't follow.

We had a blitz, and I went with Sister Barker. She is so cool. I'm amazed by all the greenies out here! They are on fire! She taught me to offer the gospel to everyone, but also move on so that you can find those who are ready NOW. I think this is a problem that Sister Murphy and I have. We spend a lot of time with everyone that will talk to us, and then nothing happens from it. I'm ready to find those that want to hear us! I'm excited!
We had an awesome lesson with a LA who wants to know the truth. We invited him to read the Book of Mormon and pray. Another miracle, because the lesson was unexpected, yet it was amazing. I love seeing the desire to know in people's eyes.

We were able to get one of our contacts that we see every week at Safeway to church. His name is Kurt. He came to church, and loved it. You could tell that he was uncomfortable at first, but he sang the hymns, and listened to the talks about Joseph Smith and other prophets, and about authority from God. Elliott also came to church. He said that he always feels the Spirit here. We told him it is good to have questions, and that he is always welcome to church. In the long run, he has come so far from when he first walked into the chapel that January Sunday. He has come a long way, and he will continue to do so, because he is seeking truth.
We had a first lesson with Kurt. I was a little stressed about it being a first lesson with all the things that need to be said in a first lesson. I was making the lesson awkward because I was too stiff. I prayed to Heavenly Father, telling Him that I was going to let go, but that I needed His help and guidance to be able to be obedient. I told Him that I knew that He could help the lesson flow to the baptismal invite and things. It happened, so beautifully. We had two members there, and Sean wanted to join us. That scared me at first. I've taught two investigators together before, and it is hard. But Sean was amazing! He bore his testimony of Joseph Smith and that this is the true church and that God lead him to it. Kurt told him that he was praying for God to help him be a better person, because he just wants to do what is right, and Sean pointed out that if this isn't a sign (two missionaries walking up to him), then he didn't know what was. He told Kurt not only to pray to know if what we were teaching was true, but to pray ask ask God what he should DO because of it. So cool. Kurt prayed right there. He told us believed all that we related was true, and that he would be baptized as he came to know it was true. So cool. You could see it there in Kurt's eyes. Despite the social fears that he had had, he came to church, met many good people, and felt the spirit during the First Vision. He is meeting with us tonight hopefully before FHE as well. We were also able to get all of our contacts last night downtown.

This week has been full of miracles.

And it is all to the glory of God, because I know that it is not me.
I am so grateful to have been a part of this week. I love that look in people's eyes when they feel the Spirit; when they begin to believe. All it takes is a desire to believe.

So I'm going to build my faith. I'm going to believe that God can help me get it all done, but even more than that... I'm going to have the faith to act accordingly. I'm going to look forward to the miracles that are all around me. They are everywhere.


With love and hope and faith for the future,

Sister Darby Eleyce Miller

PS... DEAR LOVED ONES. I met Adam, the rat man again last night. He swore up a storm as we were TRYING to preach the gospel! Ahem! Excuse me! ;) 

 then I realized who he was. I called him out on it. "Adam! Why are you yelling at random strangers who aren't even talking to you! You didn't know it was going to be me, did you? That's embarrassing! You were so nice to me last time. What happened?"
He apologized, gave me his CORRECT facebook information (which he muffed up last time so that I couldn't really find him on facebook) and then listened as we sang "I am a Child of God." and he let me hold the rats again, and I introduced him to Sister Murphy.

Some of the saddest things I have seen have been downtown. 
God is continually reaching out, but sometimes people are so blind. I don't blame them. They have so many problems, but nothing will happen for them until they listen. It continually breaks my heart.

We walked away from Adam. He wasn't listening. We're just another stepping stone in his path to accepting the gospel. That's the beauty and the hardship of missionary work: You just love these people so much.

I love you all.
Look for the Miracles. 
Mosiah 4:9
the whole chapter is amazing, by the way.

Monday, May 12, 2014

"I'm hitting the ground running"

Dear family and friends,

I'm not going to type out everything. Just know that it's been a very trying few weeks for me. I've felt a little hopeless at time, and then renewed with hope from Heavenly Father at other times. Regardless, I can still say that without a doubt in my mind, I KNOW that this gospel is true. As a very wise little girl has made known, I would not be doing this if it wasn't true, or if I didn't know that for myself. But I do know that what I teach, live, and know is true. This church is true... it IS the only true church of God... The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

Do you know it? 

If you don't, get to know it.Take it upon yourself to find out. All that is required is that you be willing. Ask the question. Ask with a willingness, an open mind and honest, sincere-wanting to know heart. 

Because there is an answer.

Are you ready for it?

anyways, here's some stuff to read. Sorry I'm not more organized. :) 

President Alba

Mission Letter 5-12-14

Contacting with faith and with purpose.

Dear Elders and Sisters,

I hope that each of you had an opportunity to speak with your mothers yesterday as we all celebrated Mothers Day. I know that your mothers were so excited to speak and Skype with you as I’m sure each of you were as well.

There is a wonderful connection between a mother and her children. I know that each of you have a tender spot in your heart for each one of your mothers. I do, and will forever be grateful for the things I learned from her throughout my lifetime.

In 1 Nephi chapter 7, we learn of the commandment given to Lehi that Nephi and his brethren were to return to the land of Jerusalem and to enlist Ishmael and his household to join in traveling to the promised land. Now, I don’t know about you but if I were Ishmael and his household, I would have had a really hard time being convinced to join in such a venture. Imagine, leave everything behind, home, friends, and all the things with which God had blessed us to go off into some unknown place to follow Lehi and his family.

In verses 4–5 we read:

“And it came to pass that we went up unto the house of Ishmael, and we did gain favor in the sight of Ishmael, insomuch that we did speak unto him the words of the Lord.

“And it came to pass that the Lord did soften the heart of Ishmael, and also his household, insomuch that they took their journey with us down into the wilderness to the tent of our father.”

This is the ideal contact! What a wonderful way for us to learn from the scriptures and to apply these things in our everyday efforts to contact sons and daughters of God so that His Spirit might soften their hearts and persuade them to join in our wonderful journey.

First of all, Nephi and his brethren went up unto the house of Ishmael – in this case, let us replace the name of Ishmael with “investigator” – so are we entrusted with this, to go up unto every house and to proclaim the good tidings that we bear unto all every household. There is something unique in going to up unto each house.

Secondly, they gained favor in the sight of Ishmael. How do you suppose they did that? Do you think they came, knocked on the door and blurted out “Ishmael, we are here to take you and your family into the wilderness to join us in a great adventure!” No, gaining favor in the sight of others is simply done by establishing rapport (a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well). We must find something in common and gain their favor by understanding each other’s feelings and then communicating them in a simple and clear way. This is how we gain their favor.

Thirdly, they “did speak unto him the words of the Lord.” The Lord had told them exactly what needed to be said and they delivered their message as the Lord had asked them to do so. So too, we must go forth and deliver the words of the Lord – the Doctrine of Christ – unto all so that they can choose to follow. Anything more or less than this is NOT of the Lord but our own words and they will sound hollow in their hearts.

Fourth, “the Lord did soften the heart of Ishmael, and also his household.” We cannot soften anyone’s heart but we must teach with clarity and simplicity the words that will allow the Spirit of God to soften the hearts of those who faithfully hear it. Ours is the responsibility to deliver the message UNTO the hearts of those we invite and the Spirit will then softens their hearts and deliver the message INTO their hearts. This pattern is the pattern that the Lord uses in order to help the elect to follow Him.

Fifth, once Ishmael and his household heard the message that was delivered and once their hearts were softened, then, they took the journey into the wilderness to the tent of father Lehi. It is the same that can happen when we do all the Lord asks us to do. There will be those who will follow even into “the wilderness” to begin the greatest journey upon the earth – to follow the example of Jesus Christ and to be like Him.

I love these two verses as it teaches us exactly what we learn in Preach My Gospel. We must develop the faith, just as Nephi did, to find those who will hear the word and follow it. “He will lead you to them or He will lead them to you.” As Alma declared, so is my desire:

“O Lord, wilt thou grant unto us that we may have success in brining them again unto thee in Christ. Behold, O Lord, their souls are precious . . . ; therefore, give unto us, O Lord, power and wisdom that we may bring these, our brethren, again unto thee.” (Alma 31:34-35)

I promise each of you, my young missionaries, those who have been called to labor in His service that as we follow the formula that Nephi used, we will gain better access to the elect of God. With great faith:

1. We must go up unto their house
2. We must then gain favor by establishing rapport with those we contact
3. We must speak the words of the Lord with simplicity and clarity
4. The Lord will then soften their hearts, and
5. They will then take up the journey with us.

I appreciate all of you who so obediently follow what the Lord has asked us to do. Others who are not yet on board, I invite you to join in this quest and to do it in the Lord’s way.

All my love,

President Alba

Dear President Alba,

What can I say? I love my mission. We have really been trying to teach as we are finding, and we are teaching a lot of neat people during our contacting time. We literally talk to everyone. Sister Murphy is teaching me to slow down, to really listen to what people are saying, and then to testify. Things are starting to really flow well between the two of us during contacting, and I'm feeling a lot more confident about it. We are trying to make every contact meaningful, even if they speak only Spanish. Why else would an English missionary need a Spanish pamphlet? *smile*

I feel like I've given up on being frustrated. I feel renewed and excited, and I don't feel like I have to fight for it like I have been the past few weeks. I feel bad about dropping people, but how long are we supposed to call and stop by with no response? We have places to go and people to baptize! I don't have time to beg! I need time to listen to someone with a sincere desire to draw closer to our Savior... those are the people I want!

Elliott... I know that even though it's been a long process with him, he was starting at zero. He didn't believe in God. But look at him now! Just last time we met with him, he expressed his commitment to Jessica as the one he wants to be loyal to, and he expressed how he knows that this church is true and that he can't deny it. He expressed how he can tell a difference when he lives the commandments and when he doesn't. He expressed his desire to deserve baptism, and how it's no longer an if, but a when. We are really going to crack down on Word of Wisdom and make a baptismal plan with him. He felt really bad about missing his date. He brings up baptism before we even have a chance to follow up.

When I first met him, he was the last person I would have expected to progress to this.

And then there's Maria. She approached us as we were tabling at SSU this week. She approached us! WOW! We had a lesson at a table on the Restoration, and she ate it up and had a million and one questions. She agreed to think about being baptized. Then we taught her the very next day about the first part of the Plan of Salvation. I've never had a lesson like that before. She said that she believed all that we were saying. She said that it seemed familiar, like she had known it all her life. She set a baptismal date on her own for Aug 30th, and she is excited to meet with missionaries where she was moving to. (sad... she's moving. but the missionaries there will love her! and then when she comes back, she'll be in the Redwoods Ward. Yay!)

I just realized that I probably won't be here for all that to happen. So sad, but I am happy to have been a part of her grand beginning!

Then last night we met a homeless man downtown that I've talked to time and time again. He's always had big, long spiels to tell us, but finally he listened. He let us participate in the conversation, and we got down to the root of some problems. It was neat. Sister Murphy told him straight out, "Your body is a temple" and all I could do was smile. He lit it up and apologized. I told him that he has the agency to smoke, but that if he does, he has to be willing to deal with the consequence. That opened up a big conversation about church and how he doesn't feel like he would be accepted. His concern was sincere, and he seemed not defensive, but sad rather.

Funny enough, just earlier on Sunday, the Bennett Valley Elders had a new investigator attend their ward, and then he (Sean) stayed for Redwoods Ward Sacrament Meeting as well. He just got out of a sticky situation, and said that he is starting over, rebuilding his life, and here was where wanted to start. "I'm hitting the ground running!" Wow. That's what Christ can do for us... white the slate clean, and help us rebuild our lives and character to be more like Him- more full of joy and peace and willingness to obey Heavenly Father. Sean kept saying, "I'm full of the Holy Spirit!" So cool.
I told the homeless man about this, and he stopped talking. He thought about it a long time. He ended up giving us his cell phone number, which he wouldn't do all the other times we talked with him. Hopefully he will come to church, but again. He has the agency.

But I also have the agency to reach out.

I love missionary work! It's moments like these that I live for! It's tender mercies like Elliott and Maria that let me know that Heavenly Father is in control, and that He loves me too, and knows that I want so much to succeed in life and on my mission.

I've reached the point where I really want people to have questions. I want them to ask crazy questions, so that I can answer with my testimony. I love Sister Murphy. I'm becoming more like her, hopefully. Instead of a big sister, she seems like a little sister, but a brave little sister who is a good example to me.

I love you and Sister Alba.
I pray for you.
Thank you for putting up with all the downer stuff as well. You both are so positive, but I know that you probably have some interesting experiences as well. I want to be more positive like Sister Alba.

Thank you for your letter on contacting. It really is a boost. I'm an awkward person, so I think that building rapport is something I'm going to learn to do.

I love Santa Rosa. I can finally say that I love the people here. I love it here.

Your mission daughter,
Sister Darby Eleyce Miller
#hittingthegroundrunning #cleanslate #templetrip-hereIcome!

I know that Jesus Christ is real.
And what I mean by that is I know that He is real in my life.

so that was my letter..... and now back to you, dear family and friends....

Are you hitting the ground running? :)

If not, start. Go HAM it..... (Hard as Moses) and look what he was able to do, with God's help, of course.

Expect the miracles. They will come. That is a promise from a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are willing to live the commandments, then the miracles will come.

Faith, and then miracles.
Not the other way around.

I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus Christ is real. I am not brainwashed, because I don't have to listen and rely upon others to know it. Jesus Christ is real, and this is His church, and Joseph Smith did in fact see God, Our Loving Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ. I know it for myself. 
I will not ever deny it. 

Sister Darby Eleyce Miller

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5th!!! Short But Sweet!!!

I don't have any time to write, so I'll just write that Sister Murphy is awesome, I love her. The work is hard, but I know I'm supposed to be here.

I read 2 Nephi 4 yesterday during the sacrament. If you want to know what my week was like, read that. That's how I've been feeling. No one wants to meet with us, really. I don't really want to drop anyone, but I might have to. Faith.

I hope all of you know that I love you, but I didn't get to read through all of your letters online. Please don't be offended if I don't respond right away.


Sister Miller