Thursday, July 16, 2015

Note from the Editor

Hey guys, it's Alyssa, the person who puts Darby's letters on the blog. :)

So, she's coming home this Tuesday, on the 21st. Her homecoming is the following Sunday on the 26th at 9am.

Thanks for sticking through with us this past year and a half. :) There won't be any more letters, sorry. It's been a fantastic adventure.


Until the end of days, I will love this. :)

I don't have anymore time, but I would like to share some thoughts I have had from this past week.

The Lord knows the desires and intents of our hearts.

All is not lost when investigators or loved ones "drop" you. It just means that that part of their process that you helped with is finished, and you helped prepare them for a better thing in the future.

Be thou an example of the believers. Doubt never built anyone else up, or yourself up for that matter. "I don't believe in that" isn't a declaration of what you believe.

"You know, I truly believe that when I joined this church, I joined the true church."
-Sister Boettner

There's an amazing lesson about how faith is not a perfect knowledge from Alma 32. I invite you all to read it.

When you do good, you feel good. You can't do wrong, and feel right, it's impossible.

Alma was a YOUNG MAN... youth has nothing to do with your ability or inability to understand the words of a prophet and act on them. Mosiah 16:4


I mean, to your Heavenly Home?
That's the thought that keeps running through my head.
Here, at the end, i'm going to run faster than I ever have before, and I'm going to give everything I have. This will be my last offering of gratitude to my Heavenly Father on my mission, and I'm going to love every moment of it. I know He loves me and listens to me, and HE NEVER MISSES A GAME... He is always watching us, even when we don't know it, and He is cheering for us, even though we cannot always hear it over the noise of the game-players and the crowd.
I will never forget these things.

Love you all!

Sister Miller

7/6/15: Awesome Week!

This week was great! I'm out of time! I can't wait to express to you all how many miracles I have had the priveledge of seeing this past week.

So monday night all of our lessons fell through. We haven't been able to get in contact with a lot of people we were teaching, or they kept canceling, and so when Sister Robinson came in, we decided a fresh start for the teaching pool would be good. 

So yeah.Gas station. 8:30 at night. She talks to the man at the next pump over named Morteza. We've taught him for hours at the park since then. He has so many questions, but is so prepared. So cool. More on Him next week,

The new mission president is awesome! It's been so cool to see that. I love both of my mission presidents. They are so different, but I already have a relationship of trust with President Wright. That man is inspired. so cool.

Well, basically I have two more times to write an email, but I wanted to bear my testimony of enduring to the end. I know that when we cling to the gospel, and continue on with it even when we are tired, even when we are hungry, even when we don't feel like it, we receive blessings. Keeping the commandments and repenting is better than not doing that. But it will never change us until we let it sink down into our hearts. 

Serve others. Don't think about yourself. In the end, it really wasn't ever about you anyway.
Don't bury your talents. Your Heavenly Father gave you those because He knew that you needed them, but that other need them even more. So share that with others. The best talent to have is a testimony, because that is how you can light other's testimonies.
I have gained a testimony of Clean Slates on my mission... every day. Even a clean slate three weeks before you go home from you mission. The Lord needed me to hear that this week. Now I live it and believe it. Every day we can start off with a clean slate as we endure to the end, partake of the sacrament, and rely on the Savior and Redeemer of our souls who loves us and knows us personally.
CHARITY CHARITY CHARITY! That's what I am learning this last stretch of my mission. Charity is deep, unconditional. Heavenly Father has it for us, the Savior has it for us. I have it for others, as I endure to the end I become more like the Savior, and my ability to have charity for others increases. It doesn't matter what they do, I still love them. And that is such a blessing to me. Without charity, nothing else matters. 

Well. I know that this gospel is true. I bore my departing testimony this last week. President Wright asked me to sum up what I learned from my mission. As others who were going home gave their answers, I tried to come up with something grand to match, but I felt so insignificant. Then I listened to the Spirit comforting me, and knew what I needed to say, even though it wasn't grand, it was what I needed to hear myself.

"From my mission, the most important thing I have learned is that Jesus Christ is real, that He loves me, and that it's all true. All of it. This is the truth, and that to me is the most precious thing I have learned."

President Wright cried. I cried. He told me that if that is the only thing that happened, it would still all be worth it, that others would give up all they possessed to have what I have gained. I could feel the Spirit penetrate the deepest part of my heart. I am so full of gratitude for that experience.
Heavenly Father loves me. That's what I have been learning. 

He answered my prayer. The night before I had asked the Lord if my offering was acceptable. So many times this week has He answered YES.

I love my family, and I want you to know that that is my most precious desire. To be with them in the Celestial Kingdom. We will go home! There is nothing that isn't worth giving up for that!

It's so worth it. 

Love you all!

Sister Darby Miller


It has been a crazy week.

So a lot has happened, and I won't write about all of it here, but President Alba went home, my companion got emergency transferred and I now have Sister Robinson, who has been out for two months and is so awesome. I am sad to see Sister Eyden go, but I know that Heavenly Father answers prayers. He always loves us and even when we feel like He can't hear us, He does. It is sometimes painful, the answers He sends, but I truly have a testimony that everything that He does is because He loves us.

I learned a lot this week. I learned about obedience and how it brings blessings. I learned from President and Sister Alba how to finish strong. I learned that we all have gifts to bring to the table, and the only one stopping us from growing is ourselves. If we aren't good enough, it is only because we believe that about ourselves. Heavenly Father is there. He is not only there to help us, but to believe in us. He wouldn't have sent His Son if He didn't believe in us.

well. We found a new investigator named Jordan. More next week. She is awesome.
We also taught Melody about how she is a daughter of God and the Spirit was so strong. Still some roadblocks, but things are moving along.

I will send a bunch of pictures of past companions and some fun.

I love you all! I know that Heavenly Father loves you all! I wish I had more time, but time here is short, and I must go! :)

We all have a calling in God's grand design. May we all ask ourselves part we are destined to play, and then RISE UP and RELY ON HIM for that help.

Sister Miller

A Former Companion

President and Sister Alba with Darby :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

6/22/15: You are never really alone.

Dear Family and Friends,

Would you like to know what I learned this week?

I learned to stand up for what you believe in, no matter what. I learned to be spiritually independent. Things are changing; things are always changing, but no matter what, YOU MUST HOLD THE COURSE. Never give up. You cannot compromise what you know to be right. You must not come down! Don't give an inch, when you do, even if it is only one inch, you have lost. Satan doesn't need us to fall hard... only just to let go a little so that he can pry our fingers off of the iron rod, bit by bit.

This past week was crazy. The past few weeks have been crazy. I feel like this is the last test of my mission: WILL I HOLD OUT TRUE TO THE END? Will I do what I know I must? That is the question that we must all ask ourselves. I have learned a lot from President and Sister Alba. I had my departing interview with them this past week, with my companion there in the room with me, because President and Sister Alba are leaving this next week. As Sister Alba asked me three questions, my tears flowed freely. I had been really down on myself and feeling alone, but bearing my testimony really strengthened me. It helped me realize that my offering has been acceptable to the Lord, and that this has meant everything to me. I will write what she asked me at the end of my letter.

On Wednesday, we will have a big all-mission conference where we will hear their last bits of counsel and bit them farewell, and then the new president and his wife, President and Sister Wright, will come to the mission. I am already determined to trust them, because I know that they are called of God. I have learned that on my mission. I have learned to have faith in the Priesthood of God. I know that President and Sister Alba have changed my life forever. I want to be like them. I know that they have loved me and trusted me, and that has meant the world to me. I know that in reality, that is really just the Lord trusting me.

All I want, literally, all I want to do is talk to people. I just want to open my mouth. I've never felt that my entire life, my entire mission, with such intensity. I have learned a lot about marriage from my companions, and from President and Sister Alba. I have learned about being equally yoked, and about standing up for one another and defending one another, about correcting eachother, and having the courage to go foward.

I wrote something in my journal this past week that has really affected me. I was praying about how to help my companion talk to people too. I had this image of a door come to my mind... we were tracting. Sometimes, we do that, but mostly we just talk to people on the street when we are going place to place, talking to everyone we see. Well, anyway, praying about this, I saw a door. I knocked, and stood, and I could feel the nervousness and I just prayed for courage, and I smiled. I felt my companion back down the steps, which is not an unusual thing. I was running over this dilemma with Heavenly Father, begging for help, because all I wanted for this last transfer was to work hard, to be the answer to someone's prayer everyday. It was a heartfelt plea. I recieved an answer:


I could feel that awkard peer pressure... why are you standing so close to the door, they won't be interested anyway, don't be "too into it", then they think that you are a freak.... all enter my mind. I want to stay where I am, but the pull is so strong. But I square my shoulders, and plant my feet. I will stand. I will not move. I will be obedient, and valiant. I will stand where I need to, even if that means standing alone.

And so that is what I am learning. All my mission, I have had times where I have felt alone, for various reasons. I have also had times where I have felt so surrounded by people who support me and uplift my efforts. But this is the true test for me: Will I stand, even if I have to stand alone? But even more importantly: Will I be the kind of person that will lift her up as well?

We can't lift others if we back down the steps.
We can't lift other higher than we ourselves are standing.
And we can't lift others without love, the pure love of Christ.

In leadership, we must continue to hold fast to the rod. I have learned a lot from reading 3 Nephi and 4th Nephi this week. I will finish the Book of Mormon this week. I have learned a lot from the Savior, and also about the agency of others.

 I also have gained a stronger testimony of priesthood blessings. I am clinging to those now. Exactly what I needed to hear is given every time.

I have also come to have a stronger testimony this week of being a daughter of God. We were teaching Gail. A lovely elderly member we love named Sister Freeman was there with us. We bore testimony to Gail of our Pre-mortal existence and I bore my testimony of being a daughter of God. I could see the light in her eyes, and feel it inside as I shared that with her. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for us.

I have seen many miracles, but the greatest miracle is that I am here. That we are all here. That everyday, I get to share the gospel with countless people who would never have the opportunity is Sister Eyden and I hadn't come on a mission. It is the hardest thing I have ever done. Yes.

If I went home, saw my family, and they asked me to come out and do it again, I would.
Without a moments hesitation, I would. I would do it all over again. I love this. Every hard moment has been worth it. I have been supported. I have learned so much, loved so much.

Sister Alba asked me this week during interviews:

What has it meant to you to be a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ?
What have you learned?
And how have you changed?

And so to share my testimony with you, I will tell you that it has meant everything to me to be a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. I know that I am nothing, as to my strength I am weak, but I know that it is through Him that I can do all things. All that I have seen on my mission, all that I have felt, He has given to me. I am so grateful that He has allowed me to do this. That is the highest honor... to represent Jesus Christ. Every moment of everyday, I have felt Him helping me when I ask Him. I love that He trusts me. At the begining of my mission, I did not deserve it. Now, even, I am not sure that I deserve it, but He has allowed me to be His servant and His friend. I have loved being on  the streets, teaching people, serving people, doing what He would do. I have loved feeling the Spirit reach out and testify through me to others of His love.

I have learned how much Heavenly Father loves all of His children. I have learned how much He loves me. I have come to understand the Atonement, on my end, and also a little bit of what it meant to the Savior. I have learned that He wanted to do that for us, just like I want to do this, and although it was hard for Him, He did it because He loves us. I have also learned that it is through His grace that we can change. I have learned about love and about redwoods, about high expectations and about becoming who we are meant to be.

I have changed in so many ways. I had three goals for my mission, three things that I wanted to be and do and become. To be willingly obedient, to strive to be exactly obedient. I have not been perfect, but I have tried every single day, and I know that the Savior was there with me. I have also learned to feel the Spirit, and that is so precious to me. I have learned to love, especially recently, even when you are struggling. I have learned to love others as the Savior loves them and to see them through Heaven's eyes. They are so beautiful. I have also learned that I can make it to the Celestial Kingdom, and that the Savior will help all of us to do that if we only come unto Him. I know that every child of God can make it there, if that is their true desire.

I know that the Church is true, that we have a living prophet, and that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that the Spirit is real, and that this life is beautiful and worth living.

I love all of you. I pray for all of you. Until this ship reaches the shore, I will keep giving my all to Him, Maker of us all.

Sister Darby Miller

6/15/15: Sunshine, Sunlight, And Sunsets

Dear Family and Friends,

Wow. I really haven't sat down to write a really good weekly email in quite a while. I apologize for that. I want to let you all know how I am doing, but more importantly, to give you a testimony boost by sharing some experiences I have had over the last little while.

So first off, I found out last week that I am staying in Davis until the end of my mission, here with Sister Eyden. That'll make three transfers here to finish off. I end my mission in July. Near the 21st of July. President and Sister Alba leave in the last bit of June, and a new mission president, President Wright, comes in, and he will be my mission president for 21 days. I've already made the choice to be on board and supportive. It's just hard to have President and Sister Alba leave. I really love them. They are amazing disciples of Jesus Christ and they have had a huge impact on my faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am having my departing interview with them this week, earlier than normal because they are leaving so soon, but they still want to talk to all the missionaries that are leaving a few weeks after they do, so that President Wright isn't overwhelmed. In two weeks, we are having another All-Mission Conference, which is the last time that I will see them as a missionary.

Ahh! I am just overwhelmed with love for all of you. My heart is full. There is Sunshine in my Soul Today! That's what the Spirit feels like... Sunshine.

Okay. So an update. I don't even know where to start.

Our area is doing a lot better. When I first got here, it was struggling, and I went through a rough patch. We have had so many miracles though. Then, last transfer was hard because Sister Eyden was sick a lot, and I even got sick and had to stay in for a whole day. NOT FUN. There's nothing more motivating as a missionary that having to consistently stay in because your companion is sick. But we had a lot of miracles last transfer.

Okay, Okay, The last couple weeks. Let me think:

Melodie has been progressing! She prayed for help, and we showed up after a prompting. She is praying more!

Liz... hasn't met with us. Pray that she will.

The Harriman's and coming to church everyweek! they love our lessons, and have so many good questions!

She came to church on her own! She is awesome!
She is reading and praying for the most part, and she understands by the spirit everything we share with her. We feel the Spirit with her so much!

We went and saw the Greenoughs last night for dinner. the problem with them is they only want to meet once a month... bleh. Their daughter is back for a few months from school, and we can tell that she wants to meet more. We are going to drop by next week and see if we can just share short things with them. They like to feed us when we meet, and they won't accept a no, and that's probably why they don't want to meet with us everyweek. sigh. struggles. But it's so cool because they feel the spirit so strong, it is so evident on their faces.

also, we are just finding a lot still.  Finding is the best part, if you ask me. It's the "adventure" part of being a missionary. You talk to so many cool people.

As far as getting trunky, I'm almost the opposite. I wish time would just freeze. At the beginning of my mission, I couldn't even see past the end of the week, let alone to the end of my 18 months. Now, I feel like it is slipping through my fingers like water. I have learned a lot. My mission has been really hard from the outside looking in, but I have loved every moment of it. I truly am losing myself, still, but lately I have been finding myself, too. I can see into the future, but only a little bit. It just feels like Sunshine.

I have also learned a lot this week about Believing. We can't get answers about whether or not something is true unless we first believe, and try. That is what faith is. We have to try and experience it first. By their fruits ye shall know them.

I love all of you. I am so proud of all of you. I feel antsy. I just want to get out and work. That's all I want. I love talking to people. I love missionary work!

I love all of you!

Sister Miller


Dear Family and Friends

So we had miracles this week!
Gail is still doing really really well. I will write more next week.
I love you all!

<Authors Note: This is something a bit more...sent in an individual email, but I felt I needed to share it. :)>

Well. I am on my last stretch of my mission. Just working hard. I have learned so much, and it hasn't been what I expected it to be. It has been better. My mission has taught me to work hard, to have faith, to be humble, to pray, really pray, and to get answers to my prayers. It has taught me what I want to be. It has taught me that the Gospel of Jesus Christ really is so precious to me, and that without it, my life would have no meaning. It has taught me to believe Christ, to believe my leaders, and to believe in myself the same way He and they believe in me. I have learned to repent, and repent, and repent everyday. I am reminded every single day of how much my Heavenly Father truly loves me, and also how much He loves all of His children. I have been taught patience. I have learned to love and cherish the youth and beauty that naturally flows from virtue, and to recognize the disgusting and pathetic morals and also "beauty" of the world for what they really are: traps in which Satan tries to drag us down to the pit. I have learned to cherish the true nature and beauty of God's creations as they really are.  I have learned to open my eyes to miracles, and I have learned to place all on the alter before my Heavenly Father. I have been taught how to love as He loves, and how to listen. I have grown to love so many people, and something that has been really cool for me on my mission is this: I know that I was destined to do this. Looking back, I see every event in my life preparing me for this. I remember little snippets from my childhood, and I know that those things were all pointing me this way, every thing guiding me down my path to where I am now. 

I have truly loved my mission. I have learned about the Savior and Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost and have gained a closer relationship than I could have ever imagined. I have met so many people, and have grown to love them. I have learned the value of missionary work. It has been a success to me every step of the way and I am forever changed. I know that although my 18 month mission is coming to a close, the mission of my life will continue, and that I will forever be a missionary. So it is with you. :)