Monday, March 31, 2014

Dear Family and Friends....

Sorry I'm out of time! Crazy day!

So the best thing out of my week:
Elliott went to a baptism, and this is what he put on facebook:

I witnessed a baptism today, and words cannot describe what it was like. it was an experience that i will never forget. and i feel blessed to have been there. it was one of the most beautiful, powerful things i'd ever seen.

In Jan, this guy didn't even believe in God.

I love Elliott and Jessica so much. They are so willing to hear us out, pray about it, think about it, and they always come back to the gospel.

also... we've had a miracle in our companionship of feeling the spirit more. I know that it's been a huge thing for me the past week. So amazing. As Elliott pointed out this week, God provides a way to be truly happy. You can't get it through the things that the world has to offer. It doesn't even come from a perfect life or from you being perfect. It comes from the Spirit, which Christ called the Comforter. Heavenly Father can literally send happiness to you.

also... something funny. This past week we were contacting late at night downtown. We were talking to this homeless guy, who seemed sane. He reached back into his hood to pull something out, and we all got a little freaked out. Then he sticks this ball of white stuff in Sis Zenger's face..... she screams....

three baby rats.

all cute, pet store sort of rats, but freaked us out nonetheless. We all ended up holding them and chatting away about the gospel. So cool. He seemed interested, but there's not really a way to find him. It was a good night. There were many tender mercies, and many people willing to talk about God in a positive way. Just Heavenly Father letting us know that we are loved and cared for.

:)  Totally wish i had pictures of Sis Z face.....

speaking of which... they go home in two weeks. I'm starting to freak out. 

and.... well.... Lots of cool things happened. But just know that I am doing awesome, and the work is moving forward. We had mission interviews this week. I love my mission president and His wife. They are amazing. They gave me really great advice, and I'm doing well. The other missionaries love me, and they are like brothers and sisters when I'm feeling down or scared. We really take care of each other.

I also had an epiphany in gospel principles class yesterday. We need the priesthood because baptism is a covenant.... a two way promise. We make that promise when we are baptized. Other baptisms do mean something. they are still special. BUT for a baptism to be a two way promise, God has to be involved too. No random preacher off the street who went to school to be a minister can make a promise for God. Only God can do that. The way that God has chosen to do that is through the Priesthood. I'm excited for Magnus to get that. :) Read your scriptures everyday, buddy! :) 

Love you all!

Monday, March 24, 2014

HOPE. even when all you can do is cling on it week four already? Not really keeping track anymore...

Dear family and friends,

I've included a letter from my mission president because I feel that it goes along with what I have struggled with and felt this week. It is my hope that it will help you as well :)

President Alba

Mission Letter 3-24-14

A Brightness of Hope

In chapter 6 of Preach My Gospel – Christlike Attributes, we learn about hope.

“Hope is an abiding trust that the Lord will fulfill His promises to you. It is manifest in confidence, optimism, enthusiasm, and patient perseverance. It is believing and expecting that something will occur. When you have hope, you work through trials and difficulties with the confidence and assurance that all things will work together for your good. Hope helps you conquer discouragement.” Preach My Gospel, p 117.

I have found it that as my faith increases so does my hope and as my hope increases, so does my hope. They go hand in hand one helping the other to grow as we come to realize the importance of what we do and what our purpose is as servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul teaches us that “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of thing not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) So, the substance of all the things which we hope for is what makes up our faith. What a marvelous manifestation and insight to this Christlike attribute is given to us by Paul. Having a greater substance of all the thing that we hope for will help our faith to increase.

In the 13th Article of Faith it states: “- We believer all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.”

Hope is therefore worth seeking after. Hope has given me the ability to believe even more. At times when hope was waning or not existent in my life, I found that I was a miserable and lost soul. When I focused on hoping for things to get better whether it was illness, results from sin, trials and tribulations, at that moment when I began to regain lost hope, things became brighter and my attitude towards all things changed. I needed to focus on hoping for things that mattered – not for things of the world but for things that would fortify and strengthen my soul.

Elder Neal A. Maxwell former member of the Quorum of the Twelve said the following about hope:

“Real hope keeps us “anxiously engaged” in good causes even when these appear to be losing causes on the mortal scoreboard (see D&C 58:27). Likewise, real hope is much more than wishful musing. It stiffens, not slackens, the spiritual spine. Hope is serene, not giddy, eager without being naive, and pleasantly steady without being smug. Hope is realistic anticipation which takes the form of a determination—not only to survive adversity but, moreover, to “endure … well” to the end (D&C 121:8).

“Real hope inspires quiet Christian service, not flashy public fanaticism. Finley Peter Dunne impishly observed, “A fanatic is a man who does what he thinks the Lord would do if He knew the facts” (quoted in The Third—and Possibly the Best—637 Best Things Anybody Ever Said, comp. Robert Byrne [1986], no. 549).

The greatest source of hope is of course the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source of all things good and true. His love will always be available to us and that should give us hope during times of trial.

Our Savior’s love shines like the sun with perfect light,
As from above it breaks through clouds of strife,
Lighting our way, it leads us back into his sight,
Where we may stay, to share eternal life.

The Spirit, voice of goodness, whispers in our hearts
A better choice than evil’s anguished cries.
Loud may the sound of hope ring till all doubt departs,
And we are bound to him by loving ties.

Our Father, God of all creation, hear us pray
In reverence, awed by thy Son’s sacrifice.
Praises we sing. We love thy law; we will obey.
Our heavenly King, in thee our hearts rejoice.

LDS Hymns – Our Savior’s Love – No. 113

I pray that all our hearts rejoice in this knowledge. He lives! He will return once again to gather His children. Let us have a greater hope regardless of the things we struggle with and He will deliver us and claim us as His own.

I love each one of you. I rejoice in your goodness and your dedication to His cause.


President Alba

This week has been amazing! I feel like I say that almost every week, but it is true! Although there are a lot of things that I miss, I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here! This is truly where I want to be!

I taught my first law of chastity lesson this week. It was intense, but it was amazing to feel my testimony of it inside of me during the lesson. I truly could testify of it being a law given to everyone from our Heavenly Father.

Your letter goes along perfectly with what this week has been for me. I started this week out excited, but as disappointment came, I felt weak and helpless. My companions and I had a really good sit down talk during 12 week, and we talked about how even though we can't force others to choose to accept and live the gospel, we cannot lower our expectations from them because that would be expecting them to fail. When we as missionaries set goals we are setting our expectations. I have felt very hopeless setting goals the past few weeks because I have felt that they won't be met, but I think now I understand the purpose of goals. They are to help me have faith, and to help me expect the investigators to succeed. God has a plan for each of His children. Regardless of what choices they are making with their agency, He has provided a way back for them, and it cost Him dearly. The price He paid was His Son. That is a lot of hope and faith. So who am I to lose hope when an investigator chooses not to follow through? I am still here to love them and to sacrifice my time to be here to give them that choice.

Also, during the singing practice last night, I saw the picture over one of the beds in the mission home. It was of the Oakland Temple, bathed in late afternoon sunshine, gleaming and white. It beckoned out to the valley below, and in the near distance was San Francisco, and in contrast looked very grey. The word that immediately popped into my mind was "Destruction." Only hours before, I had heard that missionaries had been recently pulled out of the city.

I have also recently been studying Lehi's Dream. It's amazing how those who are pressing forward on the iron rod have two outcomes. They either heed the mocking of those in the large and spacious building and fall away, or they heed not the mocking and they continually press forward until they partake of the fruit. Yet, even then, they have a choice to make. They continue to beckon to others to come and eat of the Tree of Life and feel that joy and love, OR after they have partaken, they heed the mocking and feel ashamed and fall away. I applied all this to finding. Do I let the mocking of others put me in a position where I can no longer help others to come unto Christ, or do I heed them not and keep beckoning to others.

These three corresponding events have really affected me. Things seemed to fall in place in my mind. This morning I prayed for a long while, and Heavenly Father let me feel the urgency of the work being hastened. He also let me feel of His love and protection, but of my need to step up to the plate. I have a work to do. I want to help, but I've got to do my part.

I have come up with my mission goals finally. I had waited because I wanted to see what the field was like, before I set them. My goals for my whole mission are the following:

1) Listen to and follow the Spirit
2) Love others with complete Charity
3) Be exactly obedient

Other than what I have already written, things are going well in the Redwoods YSA. Elliott and Jessica are progressing, and I love my dear sweet companions. They are angels sent from God to help bear me up in times of need. I truly feel like the other missionaries here are my brothers and sisters. I'm trying to see everyone I contact in that light as well.

oh! and Daisy!

she's come to church twice! so cool.... not much to tell, other than she is so sweet. said that she feels peace when she prays, and that she knows it helps her with he homework and everything. She passed a big test Sat. Pray for her.

also, i need prayers to help find people. 

I love you all. Sorry if the letter doesn't make a lot of sense. I copied it from the one I wrote President Alba. I get a little long-winded.

also, a video I really liked this week is the mormon message: "the voice of the spirit." Will you watch it? :)

also, I just love Lehi's dream. Classic. 1 Nephi 8 and 11.

Love, Sister Miller

Monday, March 17, 2014

STAND: Stand Tall And Never Doubt

Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.

So guess who is getting baptized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We tried to invite him two times this week.
The first time, he said he wants to. Everything he learns about God, and about our religion is pointing him in the right direction. BUT he said he isn't willing to commit to something he can keep, and he still wants to KNOW for 100% that it is true. 

I say it's possible.

To all who sincerely seek the truth, I testify in the name of JESUS CHRIST that it is true, and that I KNOW IT, God knows it, and I CANNOT DENY IT.

and that you can know it for yourself.
This is one of the most powerful messages in the world. 

Elliott's story is amazing, and is a perfect example of someone who truly seeks the TRUTH with a SINCERE HEART and with REAL INTENT, which means that you are willing to FOLLOW the answer that you get.

Elliott started off agnostic. Our first lessons with us, he would not let us talk. He poured forth information about science and philosophy and everything he knew about religion. Then something along the way changed, little by little. He stopped listening to everything in the world. He stopped listening to the skeptics, the close-minded, the proud, the vain and foolish. He said that he realized that man in nothing. We think we know science, but we only know our little solar system, and not even that well either. He outright admitted that he was proud. This allowed him to be open to find the truth. I think that was another good thing. He realized that there is truth. (DUH.) Something is either true or it's not. It's either made up or it's not. Theory is only another kind of belief. 
I'm not bashing any of this. I love reason. I love philosophy, and theories. My friends can vouch. :)
But when it comes down to the honest seeker of truth, that's what they are looking for: THE TRUTH.
So how can we know? Can we ever know....?

Most missionaries immediately offer... no... not ever 100%, but I can say that I know that this gospel is true, just as much as I know that God lives. All truth is circumscribed into one great whole....and all of it testifies of God, and of His Son, Jesus Christ. We just get in the way sometimes. 
In school I never liked to be objective. I felt it was cold and hard, but now that I am out here on the mission, I think that I'm learning that a good dose of it is healthy. Putting yourself in a position to question the truth. Question the very existence of God. 

And if He is there, He will answer. But He will answer in His own words and in His own time and in His own way.

So that's where the sincere heart and real intent come into play. He's not going to condemn us by giving us further light that we won't live by. We have to gain His trust before He will reveal truth to us. We do this by trusting Him, and trying the word of God.

Whenever I meet someone who has "tried the Mormon thing" and didn't have it work out, it is usually because 1) they didn't read the Book of Mormon and pray with the willingness to follow the answer they received. 2) "The Mormon thing" stopped working for them when they stopped living true to the mormon thing.

So no. I won't take that answer. The Mormon thing didn't stop working for you. You didn't give it a true and honest chance. And thus, you can't say that you know it's not true, because you didn't ever really do it the way Heavenly Father set it up. 

Look at Elliott. Started out with no faith in God the week that I arrived in Santa Rosa. I haven't done anything for him. It's all been between Elliott and Heavenly Father. Elliott was willing to try it out the right way. He's not perfect, but he is trying to live to the light that he is receiving. 

The second time we invited him to be baptized was a good lesson.

He said that he wants to be baptized. He believes in God and in Jesus Christ. He says all these things are working, and he knows that BY EXPERIENCE.
Coffee..... that's is the only thing he's not sure about. He says he doesn't understand. 

I told him that he could only understand by willingly living the law the way that Heavenly Father set it up. I told him the only way he could ever know if it was true was to give it up, and also to know if Joseph Smith really was a prophet and really received that law from Heavenly Father. 

He asked us how to know.

We giggled, and all held up our Books of Mormon. 
He shook his head, laughing. He gets it. 
He set a date for May 10th, as an act of faith, to let God know that Elliott has put himself on a timeframe to know if these things are true. I know that God will help Elliott know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet and that the Book of Mormon is true because Elliott has REAL INTENT. I love those words. It means that he trust God, and is willing to follow the answer that Heavenly Father gives him.

Elliott then came to church yesterday. He made bread for the sacrament, and they passed it. Wow. Jessica loves church, and is starting to again live the gospel of Jesus Christ after many years of being away. She says that she is reading the Book of Mormon every day, that she is feeling it. 
She knows it by experience.

well I love you all. Many Miracles this week.

I hope to write about Daisy next week :) found her this week. Pray for her. :) She's pretty awesome.

The pranks continue. everynight, there is something... the best one this week was on exchanges... I led the new sisters into our room, apologizing for the mess,..... then realized how funny that was. ALL our furniture and study supplies were on my top bunk bed... neatly organized..... grrrrrr. :) I got pics. You'll see them eventually.  I NEED IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! EMAIL THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

miracle..... emotional support for me.
also...a little girl asked her dad if we were angels. I felt so full of light. wow. They know. Little children know.

I know that the Church is true. I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. The Book of Mormon is true. Thomas S. Monson and Joseph Smith are prophets. Repentance makes me real. Love you all!!!!!!!
Happy St. Patty's day!

Sister Darby Eleyce Miller

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10: Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of Heaven!

Dearest Loved Ones,

I can't believe it! I hit my two month mark a few days ago.... wow. 
You blink, and a week goes by, yet everyday feels like a week itself. Seriously. 
And I love it.
I had the opportunity to meet with President Alba this week. He asked me how I was doing. And from the depths and heights of my soul came a resounding "I LOVE IT!"
:) made him smile. 
but that's really all that I can say.
Although for once in my life, it's a good thing to worry. I worry and worry and worry about our investigators. CPR. Church Pray Read. 
Yet no one will do it.
Well, most at least.

Anyway, Here's some highlights from our week. I can't really remember what I wrote last week, and I'm too lazy to look back and read it, so here goes. Sorry if I repeat anything.

Elliott and Jessica are doing amazing! Yesterday Elliott baked bread for the sacrament and brought it! Amazing! (although he got there late, so we froze it for next week. hopefully it'll be okay.) They are meeting with us consistently, and Elliott is growing stronger in the faith of God every time we meet. I truly feel like I was sent here for them, although I won't say 100% because they might be baptized after I leave the area. I hope not, but you never know. We are again inviting Elliott to baptized this week as we talk about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jessica said this past week that she is reading everyday, and that she knows that her life is filled with light because of it. She gives me a big hug every time she sees me. I truly love them. They are golden.

Meagan, a less active, said this week that she didn't want anything to do with the church. We've had a lot of that in the ward lately. Missionaries to the rescue! Come to find out, she just feels guilty about some things and doesn't feel worthy to come to church. She got a blessing from Brother Stockton, the institute director, and she came to sports night. 

We finally got in contact with Rene. He needs prayers to find another job, and to CPR. 

Sister Henry is now with us. Trios are awkward, but awesome. We basically can go anywhere, according to Sister Alba. :) we are the translated trio!
3 people means 30 contacts everyday. that's a massive amount. and we hit it!
we also found Keli, who is going to SSU. I had knocked on her door before, but felt like we should knock it again. So we did, and she let us come in and teach her about the Book of Mormon. So excited! we meet with her again on wednesday.

Shazhad asked Sis. Z out on a date. and he came to church. don't really know what to think, but my calling directs me to give everyone a chance. Prayers please. :) 

We also had no dinners. #missionaryprobs
Sis H had a gift card to Olive Garden. I totally stuck breadsticks in my purse because it was too awkward to ask for a box for just breadsticks, because we had soup. Sister Henrichson and Sis Clawson were very appreciative. 

Those two are funny. They have what we call "Messing with Miller" moments now.
I really had to use the restroom, but held it during planning. then I literally ran to the bathroom... to find oreos all over our toilet seat.
then last night, I said a long prayer before bed. REALLY long. I sneak up into my top bunk, and feel... a LEG! I totally flipped. Sister Henrichson had waited there for like a half hour, while I got ready for bed and prayed. 
I'm scared for tonight. :)
But I've also got some good ones coming for them. 
Any ideas from yous guys? ;)

Also, was able to wax away the forest. Twas nice. Sister Clawson would totally be my big sis if I had one. :) She's the bomb!

Well.... Other than that, I don't really know what to say. I studied repentance a lot this week, and I've done a lot of fixing. It feels so good.
Fix something in your life that needs fixing. It's hard. But things that are easy aren't ever really worth it. The things that are hard make us grow. They make us stretch, and then we are stronger. That's my whole life right now. Our companionship calls it "the struggle."

Each of us have our struggles. We all do. Don't think you are above anyone else, thinking that your struggles are harder. They are just different. The point isn't to compare ourselves. The point is to strengthen eachother. I love having companions, because they push me to grow. They pull me to love, to correct myself, to give more, to see examples, and to be an example. 

I love all of you. The church is true! As a missionary, I have faced many times where Satan has crept in and made me wonder. But every time, EVERY time I pray... I get the same answer. 

God lives. 
He is my loving Heavenly Father,
Jesus is the Christ, 
Joseph Smith really saw them, and he was a prophet, 
and Thomas S. Monson is the  prophet today,
and the Book of Mormon is true,
And the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is God's kingdom once again established on the earth for the benefit of us, His children. 

Nothing else can stand before that. Nothing.
Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.
Faith is power. 
God loves you.

Sincerely, Sister Miller
Servant of Jesus Christ.

Monday, March 3, 2014

President Alba's Message

President Alba




Our family went on vacation to Disney World one Spring Break. All 6 of the children where still at home and ranged in age from 16 down to 4 years old. This was before the time when everyone had a cell phone so if someone got separated a Disney World. …Well, they were separated for who knows how long. As the day wore on the 3 older kids wanted to go back to some of the big rides so we decided that President Alba would take the older kids and go one direction and I would take the 3 youngest ages 9, 7 and 4 and go the other. We planned a time and a place to meet later. The two youngest Kelsey and Kaitlin had slipped into the restroom while we were making the plans standing right outside waiting for them. The girls were still in the restroom and I was waiting with Tristan my 9 yr. old when I realized that I had given Rene’ the wrong information as to where to meet. I could see his black round head disappearing into the crowds so I turned to Tristan and said, “Tristan, I have to go and catch dad… I want you to stand exactly where you are, keep you eyes on the door, grab hold of you sisters the moment they come out and do not move until I return…. do you understand??? He looked me right in the eye and answered with total determination…. “I STAND MY POST” !!

When I returned just a few minutes later, there he was standing as straight and tall as he could be as if his feet had been nailed to the pavement, had both of his sisters with him…each one in a hammer lock…. in exactly the same place I had left him. He hadn’t wavered or moved an inch.

“ I STAND MY POST”. How I love that phrase and all that it implies. I have no idea where Tristan came up with it that day. I had not ever heard him use it before and I don’t believe we used it in our daily life. But he had gotten the call to action, understood it clearly and had determined to be completely obedient to it. He was ‘all in’. And “HE STOOD HIS POST”. 

I smile now thinking of my son standing so strong, true and immoveable. And he has lived all his life that way. He is still “STANDING HIS POST”

Elders and Sisters are we standing ours? 

We have received a ‘call to action’ from God Himself. We have all accepted the call to serve as representatives of His Son, Jesus Christ. There is no higher call. 

So I ask now, do you clearly understand your call and are you determined to be completely obedient in it? Will you “STAND YOUR POST”? Will you be strong, true and immoveable? Will you choose to the higher path? Will you nail your shoes to the pavement of righteousness and not budge even an inch? 

OBEDIENCE. I love that word. It is beauty. It is freedom. It is confidence. It is strength from God. It is blessings from heaven that cannot be withheld. But it is not easy. 

Why is it so hard if this is what God asks us to do? There are many reasons but the most important are these and we all know them.

1. Agency: There must be opposition in all things or there would be no choice to make.

2. The natural man: We all have our personal weaknesses and temptations and our journey here on earth is one of ‘overcoming’.

3. Satan: Satan has been given the power on earth to tempt us, try us and to hit upon our weaknesses. His demons are fighting for each one of us. His whole desire is to do destruction to the kingdom of God and especially…His servants. You and me.

As I mentioned on the phone call, this mission is under siege. Of course, it is because this is the best mission in the world. Here in our mission we have the best and the brightest missionaries on the earth today… Here in our mission we have been given much. Here in our mission we have more faith, knowledge, and love. Here in our mission we have been asked to ‘lead the world’. So of course Satan is aware and determined to send his army of demons to stir us up to do evil…. he wants to see us fail.

Elders and Sisters, we must determine each and every one of us that this will not happen. Each one of us needs to pray for strength and say ‘I shall not fail, I shall not falter’. “I STAND MY POST”!

But how do we do it??

That, Elders and Sisters is easily answered. We know what we need to do. It has been clearly laid out for us through the scriptures and prophets…but sometimes we make mistakes …we all do.

What then? That is easily answered also.

The atonement of Jesus Christ will give us purity and make us free from whatever we have done… whatever sin we have committed will be forgiven. Today I ask you to take stock. Today I ask each and every one of us to look inward and determine to remove the darkness if there is anything amiss. Do not wait another day in sin. Give it up. Once again we will be filled with light and joy and our burden of sin will be removed from us after repentance.

Repentance is a beautiful, necessary and sometimes difficult process that is available to everyone and allows us all to be clean… every wit.

Here are the steps… they all need to be done or the repentance is not complete.

1. Acknowledgement of the sin

2. The feeling of Godly sorrow… (Not just disappointed or sad at getting caught)

3. Confession: Go to God in prayer …. or to President Alba if needed while here on your mission

4. Make restitution… ask forgiveness with all you have effected or offended… make recompense

5. Go and sin no more…change yourselves

Let us lift our eyes to heaven and together we will make one another stronger and we will stand against the evil one…and win. Let us remember that in the heavens there are more for us than against us. Let us understand that God has a great plan for this mission. Let us believe in it and determine to do it. Let us each say with full heart and determination…. “I STAND."

Transfer 2: Week 1

Dearest Family and Friends,

First item of business.
I really do love all of you.
But there are a lot of you.
And I just spent all of my email time responding to how much you all love me. :) 

But I'm afraid I might have been a little blunt. Sorry. It's a missionary thing. I apologize.
My heart aches. Please know that. I get a little stupid, Mom, and say things too fast.
Just know that I love all of you. I apologize for letters that aren't coming quick enough. I can't promise when they will. But with God's help, they will.


 But for all of you that love me, know that I love you. Know that sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven, and these people here need these blessings. we need these blessings. We need so desperately to share the gospel. 
Next week in church, listen as if you had never heard this before. Listen for testimony. Listen for the Savior's voice. 
I totally bawled all day long yesterday. It was probably a good thing that we didn't have investigators there at church. (sad though)

Okay.... so lots has happened.
And I only have a few minutes left....
Rhett---- texted us. he's uplifted, but still needs prayers and time. we need to see him soon.
Uriah---- going to reset the baptismal date, but I know that he is doing better every time we meet.
Rene---- NEEDS PRAYERS... lost job, won't meet with us. but Tevin his friend still is.
Pam----- wasn't home this week. ugh.
Ben--- won't answer.
Arthur----- TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!! LOVES IT! came to sports night, fits right in..... totally cool guy. wants to keep meeting.
Seva--- made us sit at a library for three hours saying he was coming when we called... oh well... we are Facebook missionaries so it worked out. we did that instead.
We also picked up 4 more investigators.... waiting to see how that turns out....

We were called to repentance by the mission president on Tuesday. I'll send his letter he sent this morning.
We are getting another sister missionary... Sister Henry... :) we will be a trio come Wednesday! :)

we thought they were going to drop us. they came on Wednesday, freaking out about false prophets, not knowing how to know the truth, afraid of being deceived. we listened for an hour, and then we had to go.

But we had an amazing lesson with them on Saturday! I totally jumped up and down outside after. Hunter, a RM came as a member.
So cool. He now basically says that he believes in God. He basically taught himself the pre-earth life, and agency and the fall of Adam and Eve. So cool! he gave a prayer so sincere, thanking God for sending us. 
So cool.

Sister Miller

Moroni 7, and Roman 8