Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Dear Family and Friends

So we had miracles this week!
Gail is still doing really really well. I will write more next week.
I love you all!

<Authors Note: This is something a bit more...sent in an individual email, but I felt I needed to share it. :)>

Well. I am on my last stretch of my mission. Just working hard. I have learned so much, and it hasn't been what I expected it to be. It has been better. My mission has taught me to work hard, to have faith, to be humble, to pray, really pray, and to get answers to my prayers. It has taught me what I want to be. It has taught me that the Gospel of Jesus Christ really is so precious to me, and that without it, my life would have no meaning. It has taught me to believe Christ, to believe my leaders, and to believe in myself the same way He and they believe in me. I have learned to repent, and repent, and repent everyday. I am reminded every single day of how much my Heavenly Father truly loves me, and also how much He loves all of His children. I have been taught patience. I have learned to love and cherish the youth and beauty that naturally flows from virtue, and to recognize the disgusting and pathetic morals and also "beauty" of the world for what they really are: traps in which Satan tries to drag us down to the pit. I have learned to cherish the true nature and beauty of God's creations as they really are.  I have learned to open my eyes to miracles, and I have learned to place all on the alter before my Heavenly Father. I have been taught how to love as He loves, and how to listen. I have grown to love so many people, and something that has been really cool for me on my mission is this: I know that I was destined to do this. Looking back, I see every event in my life preparing me for this. I remember little snippets from my childhood, and I know that those things were all pointing me this way, every thing guiding me down my path to where I am now. 

I have truly loved my mission. I have learned about the Savior and Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost and have gained a closer relationship than I could have ever imagined. I have met so many people, and have grown to love them. I have learned the value of missionary work. It has been a success to me every step of the way and I am forever changed. I know that although my 18 month mission is coming to a close, the mission of my life will continue, and that I will forever be a missionary. So it is with you. :)

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